Help Us Make Your Prescription Drugs Safer With Improved Oversight By The FDA

Here’s an alarming fact: More than 2,000 pharmaceutical plants (both overseas and in the U.S.) have not been inspected by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in five years or more. This represents 42% of all 4,700 plants currently registered to produce drugs for the U.S. These facilities, which the FDA last reviewed prior to May 2019, produce essential medications such as antibiotics, blood thinners, and cancer treatments*.


This lack of inspections means that no one can know if these labs are taking the necessary steps to prevent contamination that can and has caused harmful side effects and even deaths.


Recent cases of actual harm due to unregulated labs include blindness from eye drops tainted with bacteria, and impurities in dozens of brands of a chemotherapy drug that endangered an estimated 70,000 pediatric leukemia patients worldwide**. Despite this record of spotty oversight, medications from these uninspected facilities continue to flow into our pharmacies—and into our bodies.


Doesn’t the public deserve better? 


At MedShadow, we are a non-profit that advocates for improved drug safety for all. We produce high-quality, independent investigative journalism to help people make decisions in their daily lives. At the same time, we aim to spark public discussion — and hold regulatory bodies accountable — when it comes to urgently needed changes throughout the entire drug manufacturing and distribution processes. No one at MedShadow — not staff, writers, or partners — ever receives financial support from the pharmaceutical or supplement industries. This commitment ensures the integrity and independence of our reporting and analysis.


All this is why we must fight to get more drug-manufacturing labs inspected now, and we need your help in making this demand heard—and acted on.

FDA inspections need to address these critical areas of drug safety:


  • Quality Control: Mandatory regular inspections of all pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.
  • Thorough Testing: Implementing protocols to conduct chemical analysis on every batch of drugs to identify impurities or quality issues before they hit shelves.
  • Decisive Action: Taking swift measures when FDA-approved drugs are discovered to have been approved using fraudulent information.

Thank you for joining with us to achieve our goal of safe, effective medicines for everyone who needs it.  


Discover more about these urgent issues and our fight for safer medicines below.


– The MedShadow Team

*Masquelier-Page, A. (2024, September 6). Nearly 2,000 drug plants are overdue for FDA checks after COVID delays, AP finds. The Associated Press.
**Joseph, A., & Hensley, S. (2024, January 25). Inside the investigation into chemotherapy drug asparaginase and its manufacturing flaws. STAT News.

@medshadow_foundation What can you do when the FDA fails to inspect thousands of drug manufacturing labs? @Health Journo Emma #fda #medicine #health #healthcare #inspection #medication #otc #prescriptionmeds #drugsafety ♬ original sound - MedShadow Foundation

Help us make your prescription drugs safer with improved oversight by the FDA.


The Patient


The Pharma Business

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Medicines should be safe and effective for everyone.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are critical gaps in the FDA quality control process that can lead to contaminated drugs that make patients sick. Take a look at how we’re bringing these problems to light and calling on the FDA to address the shortfalls of inspections worldwide.

Tax Information: MedShadow Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number is EIN 46-1326364

Turning Awareness into Action

Not all prescription and over-the-counter drugs are safe from medical harm.

Yet the FDA faces a backlog of over 2,000 drug manufacturing labs that haven’t been inspected.

And hundreds of drugs that may have been approved based on fraudulent trials are still on the market.

Now is the time to push for better safety standards and prevent further harm.

Helping Close the Gap

Throughout this campaign, we’ll be telling stories, sharing vetted and peer-reviewed research, and educating the public on the important side effects of their medications.

Our goal is to inform, inspire, and empower through clarity and actionable steps that drive meaningful change. 

Together, we can work towards a future where 100% of drugs and their manufacturing facilities are tested, where greater transparency is the norm, and where we can trust that the medicines we take are safe and effective.

Maximizing Every Contribution

Not all prescription and over-the-counter drugs are safe from medical harm.

Yet the FDA faces a backlog of over 2,000 drug manufacturing labs that haven’t been inspected.

And hundreds of drugs that may have been approved based on fraudulent trials are still on the market.

Now is the time to push for better safety standards and prevent further harm.


About MedShadow

MedShadow is a nonprofit foundation that focuses on the often overlooked side effects of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription (Rx) medications. We are dedicated to empowering people and reforming processes to ensure that we are all better protected.

Our name derives from the fact that side effects can sometimes be difficult to recognize, which is why we work to illuminate and explain medication reactions that may be minimized or hidden in the shadows. We understand that navigating medication choices can be confusing and scary, especially with so much at stake.

Medications have many benefits, but it’s essential to know how to balance anticipated benefits against potential side effects. We also help people evaluate alternatives to Western medicine and provide service information about naturally optimizing one’s health. Whatever decision a person makes, our goal is to be supportive.

That’s why our mission is to provide independent, evidence-and science-based, deeply researched information that people can trust. Our service and investigative journalism enables people to make informed decisions that are right for them. We do not receive any financial support from the pharmaceutical or supplement industries and we require that all our staff, writers, advisors and other partners also be free from any remunerative relationships with such companies.

We currently reach millions of people via our website, social media, video, podcasts and e-newsletter. We employ many content formats, including articles, videos, infographics, and podcasts. In the interests of reaching as many people as possible, our website content is free to all; we do not have a paywall.

Our journalism encourages people to remain alert to physical or psychological reactions associated with medication side effects; any changes or additions to their drug regimen, and timely updates from the medical community regarding new recommendations or warnings about particular medications.

We at MedShadow want to improve drug safety for all. We therefore aim to use our content to help individuals and also to stimulate public discussion about changes needed to drug research, manufacturing and distribution processes, and regulations that will make us all safer, and we aspire to partner with other groups and individuals who share this goal. Even though MedShadow is nonprofit, we refuse to accept support from pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers. You can be sure that our information is free from the influence of pharmaceutical companies.