A Gathering Place For Drug Information

A Gathering Place For Drug Information
A Gathering Place For Drug Information

Here is our drug information base.  So heartwarming! A friend I see barely once a year reached out to tell me that he’d been having trouble with his short-term memory for the past 18 months. As an ADHDer, he’d always suffered some short-term issues caused by distraction, but this was worse. He knew he needed to see a doctor, but he feared a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or the like.

He had been following MedShadow Foundation on Facebook and knew that we were a gathering point for drugs information from many sources. So he typed “memory loss” into our search bar. True to our mission to gather what drug  information is available on the Internet, the resulting list from the search included some articles original to MedShadow and even more article links from other credible websites. In that list was a great article from AARP, 10 Drugs That May Cause Memory Loss. On that list he found a drug he’d been prescribed for many years. He had never thought that a drug he’d been taking for a decade or more might have an adverse effect after all this time.

Great news! He took that list to his doctor. He discussed his symptoms, other drugs information and concerns with the doctor and together they changed his medicine. A month or so later, his memory is much improved, and he is tolerating the new medicine with no adverse side effects.

It’s a great lesson for all of us to remember. A drug can work fine for years, but at some point something changes. We might never know if it was because of a body changing with age or an interaction with a new drug or a cumulative effect over time, or something else. But it’s a good idea for  you and your doctor to review medicines at every visit, even if you’ve taken the drug without problems in the past.

DISCLAIMER: MedShadow provides information and resources related to medications, their effects, and potential side effects. However, it is important to note that we are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content on our site is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Individuals dealing with medical conditions or symptoms should seek guidance from a licensed healthcare professional, such as a physician or pharmacist, who can provide personalized medical advice tailored to their specific circumstances.

While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on MedShadow, we cannot guarantee its completeness or suitability for any particular individual's medical needs. Therefore, we strongly encourage users to consult with qualified healthcare professionals regarding any health-related concerns or decisions. By accessing and using MedShadow, you acknowledge and agree that the information provided on the site is not a substitute for professional medical advice and that you should always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
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