A New Look for MedShadow

A New Look for MedShadow
A New Look for MedShadow

MedShadow launched its new site and logo on April 2. The changes will provide easier access to content, make searches more precise and add new features.

I am delighted to say MedShadow have launched our new website and logo on April 2. Whether on desktop, mobile or tablet, the updated site will provide an elevated experience to all.

We have centered on creating inspiring experiences for our readers, and grouped our content into four categories: Top Stories, Medicines, Need to Know and Alternative Therapies. When developing the new site, ease of use and intuitive site navigation were considered musts. We wanted to ensure that you can get where you need to go, find inspiration and immediately gain a better understanding of the information you need for your health.

Our goal is to provide you with an easier way to learn about the side effects of medicines and alternative therapies, allowing you to browse information based on your choices.

The new website gives better access to features, blogs and news and also integrates social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. We constantly update our content with helpful information, articles and first-person stories from individuals like you.

On our new site, you’ll also find action buttons that will link you directly to amazing resources that will help you identify pills by shape and color, check if your doctor accepts money from drug companies, provide a direct line to register an adverse reaction or severe side effect to the FDA and so much more.

I started MedShadow Foundation five years ago to raise awareness about the side effects of medicines. I was harmed by a medicine, DES (diethylstilbestrol), that a doctor gave my mother when she was pregnant with me. Because of the long-term effects of that medicine, I was never able to bear children.

If you are looking for help with a specific issue, it’s very likely that we have some good insights into our collection of features and blog posts that can be of assistance. It’s worth the time to browse our articles and get a reminder or learn something new. If you want us to write about something we haven’t thought of yet, please feel free to send me an email.

I know that learning more about the side effects of medicine has improved my life. I am convinced it will protect you and your family’s lives as well.

When you see friends, family, co-workers or neighbors going through a rough time because of a medication, I’d appreciate your suggesting they check our site. Thank you for your present and future support of MedShadow. We stand firm by our commitment to never accept money from pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers. Our loyalty is to you and your path to health, whether through medicine, lifestyle changes or alternative therapies.

We hope you enjoy the new website with its fresh look and easy-to-access information for balancing the risks and benefits of medicines.

Thanks for visiting!

Suzanne Robotti
Founder & President
MedShadow Foundation