Strangely, Acid May Ease The Heartburn

Strangely, Acid May Ease The Heartburn
Strangely, Acid May Ease The Heartburn
Emma Yasinski
Emma Yasinski Staff Writer
Last updated:

“Did you know you will experience symptoms of heartburn if you make too much acid, but also if you are deficient? Weird but true. Healthy amounts of stomach acid keep the tiny trap door shut between your stomach and esophagus. This sphincter is pH sensitive and in a healthy person, it stays shut because of the natural production of acid in the stomach. When you reduce stomach acid, you then have insufficient amounts, and your stomach pH increases and this causes the trap door to swing open, causing heartburn. That’s why some people who take a digestive acid supplement (like betaine) sometimes feel better. Small amounts of healthy digestive acids keep the trap door shut, and the acid where it should be (down in your stomach) as opposed to your throat!

“The signs of low acid (termed hypochlorhydria) include heartburn! Surprised? It’s true. Also, you see irritable bowel, belching, cramps, food sensitivities, rheumatoid, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, gallbladder disease, osteoporosis, pancreatitis, yeast infections and rosacea. You will certainly have chronic fatigue because acid is needed to give you minerals which then participate in the production of both thyroid and adrenal hormones. No doubt, a little betaine can breathe life into some tired people (but get your doctor’s approval even though this is over-the-counter). I don’t know what’s right for you.”


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