Fish Omega 3 Pills Do Little to Reduce Cardiovascular Risks

Fish Oil Pills Do Little to Reduce Cardiovascular Risks

Contrary to popular belief, taking omega-3 supplements (aka fish oil) may not do much to reduce cardiovascular risk. In order to assess the supplement’s effectiveness, researchers collected data from 10 trials, which consisted of 77,917 people who were around 64 years old and had a high risk of heart disease.

After analyzing the large trials, which lasted for about 4.4 years, the team concluded that omega-3 supplements failed to reduce coronary heart disease and other major heart conditions in people who have or are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Recommendations from the American Heart Association suggest the use of omega-3 supplements in those who have had a heart attack or heart failure. The group also says that there is a lack of evidence supporting the use of fish oil in the general population to prevent cardiovascular disease.

The results, published in JAMA Cardiology, “provide no support for current recommendations,” the researchers write.