Herbal Supplements Can Cause Dangerous Drug Interactions

Herbal Supplements Can Cause Dangerous Interactions With Drugs
Herbal Supplements Can Cause Dangerous Interactions With Drugs

Herbal supplements may cause serious complications when combined with prescription drugs. A study published in The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology included 49 case reports and 2 observational studies with 15 cases of adverse drug reactions.

All of the patients who were diagnosed with serious heart conditions, cancer and kidney transplants were prescribed either warfarin, alkylating agents or cyclosporine.

After thoroughly analyzing the data, researchers discovered that patients who took herbal supplements containing sage, flaxseed, St. John’s wort, cranberry, goji juice, green tea and chamomilla in combination with warfarin and/or statins to treat heart complications experienced serious side effects that stemmed from the herbal drug interaction.