1. You don’t need an appointment to talk to your pharmacist.
2. Pharmacists are one of the most trusted professionals – pharmacists rank 2nd behind nurses for honesty and ethical standards. Pharmacists have been in the top 3 for 10 years running.
3. They protect you from drug conflicts (if you let him/her know all the drugs AND supplements you are taking).
4. Pharmaceutical staff can protect you from your doctor’s error.
5. Pharmacy specialists will alert you to side effects and risks of adverse events before you take a prescription.
6. They always have the best recommendations for over-the-counter cold remedies.
7. It’s a great career! Only 3% unemployment for pharmacists!
8. Pharmaceutical staff know ALL of your secrets and will NEVER tell.
9. Doctors are disease and health specialists, apothecary is medicine experts.
10. These specialists understand what “Take twice daily means” — 12 hours apart? When I get up and when I go to bed? What if I sleep late or miss a pill? I’d better call my apothecary now….
Thank a pharmacist today – he or she could save your life tomorrow!