Arm Pain After COVID-19 Vaccine Is Common

Arm Pain After COVID-19 Vaccine Is Common
Arm Pain After COVID-19 Vaccine Is Common
Emma Yasinski
Emma Yasinski Senior Reporter

March 4 update: Allergy researchers at Mass General Hospital created a registry for healthcare professionals to report  immediate and delayed reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations. On March 3, the researchers published a letter in the New England Journal of Medicine describing a series of 12 delayed injection site reactions including swelling and rashes that they say require further investigation. The researchers wrote that one patient received antibiotics although they were not necessary. Several others were treated with steroids or anti inflammatories. The letter included some photos and said that the reactions cleared up within a median of six days. Patients were encouraged to receive their second dose. Half of them did not experience the reaction the second time. A quarter did, but to a lesser degree.

MedShadow was the first to launch its COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect Tracker, even before any COVID-19 vaccines were authorized by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Its goal is to report on the adverse effects in clinical trials, help our readers make informed decisions and know what to expect when they get their shots. Experts said early-on that some of the side effects may be severe enough that you should try to plan to stay home from work after receiving the vaccine. One of the most frequent adverse effects the companies reported in Phase III trials (91.6% of Moderna patients and 84.1% of Pfizer patients) were “injection site reactions,” arm pain after the COVID vaccine along with swelling, redness and other symptoms near the jab.

“The most common symptom patients are getting from these injections is pain. That’s about 70% of the time,” says Peter Gulick, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Michigan State University. He adds that his own arm was sore after he received the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine, but not after the second.

Now, as more and more people are getting their shots, we’re hearing details and personal stories, and a trend is emerging. Our vaccine side effect tracker has amassed more than 100 comments, many of which describe varying degrees of arm pain after the COVID-19 vaccine, along with redness, itching and swelling at the injection site. These reactions, isolated to the arms that received the shots, have worried people.

On Jan. 10, Michelle wrote in our tracker, “Please help. I received the Moderna vaccine on Dec. 30 (healthcare professional). Today is Jan. 9. I have a baseball-size rash, hot to touch, not painful, that started last Tuesday (six days after injection). At first, my arm was a bit sore, but nothing more than [like after] the flu vaccine. I have drawn a circle around the mark to see if it is increasing in size; it has been increasing each day. I went to [the doctor] dr and they told me they don’t know what is causing this, but [they] put me on an antibiotic. I am scheduled for a second vaccine on Jan. 25. Not sure if I should still get this.”

Others quickly shared  similar experiences. According to an article in USA Today, “COVID arms,” or symptoms of injection site reactions, seem to be especially common among those who have received the Moderna vaccine, a trend also demonstrated among our commenters.

Three doctors who have received the vaccines and are administering doses to others told MedShadow that pain, swelling and other reactions to the vaccine in the arm are nothing to worry about. They’ve been able to safely give patients with these reactions both doses of the two-shot vaccines. However, in rare occasions, these reactions may be the result of an infection that requires antibiotics.

What Injection Site Reactions Are and Why They Happen

Scientists divide adverse reactions into two categories: local and systemic. Injection site reactions include any change — swelling, redness, pain, itchiness and even swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or collarbone — to the shot that is isolated to one area of your body near the jab. Alternatively, headaches, fatigue, fever, muscle pain and chills are systemic reactions. 

Even when you get sick with the flu, symptoms like fever, cough and runny nose are not caused by the virus itself, but by your immune system’s attempt to dispel the virus from your body. Despite that fact that the COVID-19 vaccine cannot actually infect you with the virus, it does cause your body to mount an immune response — that’s the point — so many of these side effects are normal and suggest that the vaccine is doing its job.

You don’t usually get arm pain in response to a respiratory infection, but most of the time, these injection site reactions too “are our body’s immune reaction to the vaccine itself. The vaccine triggers an inflammatory response. That’s what it’s supposed to do,” says Kartik Cherabuddi, MD, an infectious disease expert at the University of Florida. “And in some people, it can manifest itself in this way,” as arm pain after the COVID-19 vaccine. 

In a small number of cases, the symptoms may be a sign that the act of breaking the skin to administer the vaccine has introduced a bacterial infection.

A Delayed Response

Most injection site reactions occur within the first hour or day after receiving the vaccination. However, Cherabuddi adds that he and his team have been seeing “another phase that’s starting about five to 10 days later.” This delayed-reaction phenomenon is also echoed by commenters on our vaccine tracker, as recorded by BT, below

On Jan. 16, BT wrote, “I had [the] Moderna vaccine eight days ago with no issue until this morning. When I woke up with an extremely swollen injection site that is red, warm and very hard, and it was initially itching, now just aching. Would appreciate knowing when your swelling went down and if you noticed any other side effects.”

Whether your reaction developed within a day or was delayed up to 10  days, Cherabuddi says, “We’re seeing these reactions resolved in a couple of days.” 

While the injection site is painful, he, Gulick and Clarence Lam, MD, MPH, an interim director for occupational health at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and a Maryland state senator, all suggest that over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen and Tylenol are safe and may help. You can also get some relief by applying a warm compress to the site.

If the reaction at the injection site lasts more than a few days with no sign of improvement, it’s time to contact a healthcare provider. She or he may prescribe steroids to reduce the swelling. However, these drugs also dampen your immune response, and thus may limit the vaccine’s efficacy. “[Steroids] could help if the response is particularly strong, but it’s probably not necessary in almost all instances,” says Lam.

If your provider believes you have a bacterial infection, he or she may prescribe antibiotics or drain fluid from the swollen area. Cherabuddi emphasizes that one sign you have a bacterial infection is that the reaction expands over several days. “An untreated infection will [continuously] get worse,” he says. “If it just stays the same for the next 24 to 48 hours, then you don’t need an antibiotic.”

Should I Still Get my Second Shot?

If you’ve experienced systemic adverse effects, like welts, hives, lip and throat or blood pressure changes, that might suggest an allergy. Cherabuddi says then it’s best to speak with an allergist before getting your second dose. If you’ve noticed an injection site reaction or flulike symptoms that cleared up, the physicians recommend getting the second dose. “We still want people to get the second dose, because [the vaccines] have been shown to be far more effective with dose two,” adds Lam.

Gulick, who has received payments for consulting with pharma companies on HIV and hepatitis C drugs, suggests that if you’ve experienced “a lot of pain and swelling after the first shot,” plan ahead to take an over-the-counter painkiller like aspirin immediately after receiving the second shot.

If the local reaction is still present come time for your second dose, you can postpone it. Cherabuddi says that in a few patients who were still recovering from arm pain after the COVID-19 vaccine’s first shot, he recommends waiting a little bit longer than the prescribed 21 or 28 days between doses, “just to let this [area] settle down, let the redness, achiness and swelling subside.” But, he adds, that in all the cases of injection site reactions he’s seen so far, patients have been able to safely get the second dose.

“In almost all instances, [these temporary side effects are] part of the body’s normal immune response. And while it may be concerning on the face of it, I think the reassurance is there that for individuals that have had this response, it shows that the vaccine is working,” says Lam. “Your body’s actually doing the work it’s supposed to do.”

DISCLAIMER: MedShadow provides information and resources related to medications, their effects, and potential side effects. However, it is important to note that we are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content on our site is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Individuals dealing with medical conditions or symptoms should seek guidance from a licensed healthcare professional, such as a physician or pharmacist, who can provide personalized medical advice tailored to their specific circumstances.

While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on MedShadow, we cannot guarantee its completeness or suitability for any particular individual's medical needs. Therefore, we strongly encourage users to consult with qualified healthcare professionals regarding any health-related concerns or decisions. By accessing and using MedShadow, you acknowledge and agree that the information provided on the site is not a substitute for professional medical advice and that you should always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
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Jim Y

Article was extremely helpful. I have two 83 year olds in my household who will get the Moderna shot on Monday, Feb 8 so this is timely, informative and very helpful.

Robert Rose

Yes it was. Just need non political information so can make a good decision on taking shots. We are in our 70’s and good health but have horror stories about shots so trusting this site for good info.


After dose 1 of vaccination (Moderna), felt fine most of the day, then very tired the next night and woke feeling not well – not terrible, but a little nauseous, a little achy, worn out. Better by the next day. 8 days later, in the evening, the injection site was hot and raised. My arm shows bruising next to that. 2 more days later, the inflammation at the injection site comes and goes, as does the itching. Bruising is healing. Witch hazel and a topical calendula gel have helped soothe the relatively minor discomfort. This article was helpful in normalizing these symptoms and clarifying that they don’t contraindicate scheduling my second dose.


I experienced the “baseball” arm on day 9 after my first Moderns vaccine shot. I was alarmed because most information available including Moderna’s said most issues resolved within 7 days of receiving the shot. The redness did spread through day 10 and slowly subsided. Then, 3 days after receiving my 2nd shot, I woke up with hives and itching down the side of my neck and my arm to the elbow ( somewhat like a strip) on the front side of the injection site. It’s 2a.m. So I’m Googling. I immediately took 1 low dosage benedryl tablet and applied “Ivarest” (similar to calamine lotion) to the hives. After an hour, the hives and itching seem to have calmed down. I will post an update if this does not resolve itself within a day or if it worsens.


“I’ve never had a reaction to a vaccine like that,”
The second dose of the different than first dose 🙁 after 5 hours of my all body hurting ,fever 102 ,shaking chills, severe headache, nausea, ringing in my ears and a sore arm after getting booster dose of the Moderna vaccine.


i had my vaccine 6feb and it still hurts were i had the injection


Itching developed at the injection site on day 8 after my February 2 Moderna 1st vaccine. Itching continues today with red patch approximately 3 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. Also, on three different occasions since the vaccination, I have experienced a kind of “giddiness” in my chest/breathing. It lasts 20 or 30 seconds and then passes. Not sure that it is related to the shot, but I have never before experienced this sensation.

Carolann Moring

Please repost your day 9, 10, 11 etc symptoms. I’m at day 8 of Moderna #1 and same, itching, skin very warm to touch, very slightly swollen shoulder at site.


Received 1st dose Moderna on Feb 2nd. I mentioned to my wife in the 15 min observation area there was a pain in the elbow of the arm that got the shot (left arm). It’s bothered me some off and on with elbow pain, but I can treat it with Methyl Salicylate and/or ThermaWorx joint relief foam. Today, the pain was there in the morning, and I applied ThermaWorx. Felt good til supper time. I had to move things into the garage for our upcoming winter storm (Houston) and now my arm is practically disabled (ALL elbow pain – just in the arm receiving the shot 10 days ago. I applied methyl Salicylate and it’s starting to feel a bit better, but still not really useable for even picking up a 15 oz package of pretzels. I’m going to wrap it with an elastic support and hope it gets better tomorrow. There is a slight shoulder pain now also, but it’s just on the edge of being noticeable. No hives, no redness, no swelling … just elbow pain. I thought it might be my rovustatin (cholesterol) giving me joint pain, but then I looked up MODERNA ELBOW PAIN and read this page just a few minutes ago.

Elizabeth Rando

I had my first moderna shot 2/2 after 5 min I could taste the vaccine then it went away. Arm hurt a day or two – on 2/10 my arm swelled where I got shot and was very red. I took benadryl and applied ice . Was better next day but still there, red and ached. today 2/13 redness moved around arm still achy . Not sure if this is normal but after reading comments seems so. Concerned about second shot.


I received second dose of vaccine today. I can taste the chemicals.
My blood pressure dropped very low, have very swollen arm, neck pain and
stiffness: fatigue.
I felt wonderful before the vaccine.
There was no reaction to the first application of the
vaccine. Autumn

Jon O Beard

Minor pain after the shot which hurt more (not that bad) but before night it hurt a LOT. It wasn’t a constant pain but when I lifted my arm which had the shot the pain was excruciating. I could move the arm involved from the elbow down, up and down and back and forth with no pain at all, but lifting from the shoulder caused great pain and involuntary shaking. I took 2 Advil and the pain started to recede and within a day was gone. I am certainly glad it went away. I am going to ask for the second shot on the opposite arm, just in case.


My mother received her 1st Moderna vaccine on Thursday, February 11th. Her reactions have been very very painful. She has not been able to move or lift up her arm, she has a fever of 100, today she vomited quite hard and has very severe back pain. I would appreciate anyone’s advice to help her recover from the vaccine side effects.


after having pfizer vaccine just slight arm pain but then after 3 weeks i have very painful arm

Sheila Wengroff

I had the Moderna shot Feb. 15th..Injection site arm pain like someone punched me..and am a little tired..No rednessness or swelling..yet..I did take advil right after the injection..I will take tylenol today as well..

Sheila Wengroff

I had the Moderna shot Feb. 15th..Injection site arm pain like someone punched me..and am a little tired..No rednessness or swelling..yet..I did take advil right after the injection..I will take tylenol today as well.. at 78 yrs old I was very anxidty ridden about taking the shot, because I had a bad reaction to the flu shot..So I wound up not taking the flu shot for at least 10 years..Never got the flue again..

Sylvia L Kilgour

I received the Moderna vaccine on 2/9 and everything was ok until yesterday, 2/16. The injection site began feeling hard and today, 2/17 it is more swollen and itchy with some minor discomfort due to the swelling. I’ve applied ice to it for a bit to cool the site off a bit. Now that I’ve read that this is not uncommon I’ll just try some advil. Second shot is due in 3 weeks.

L. R. Felder

I received my 1st Moderna shot on 2/8. I didn’t feel any pain until 2/9. I developed a small lump under the skin, but nothing major. On 2/17, the area began to itch. I know have a large, raised, warm area at the injection site that itches. Today it doesn’t itch as much and the swelling is going away. This forum helped me understand the delayed side effect and encouragement to get the 2nd shot. I am using the same arm. I need the good arm to stay good!!! (lol)

David Corner

5 weeks on and I still have a very painful injection site. I have recognised most of the symptoms already mentioned here. I had the 1st dose of the Oxford Astrica Zeneca vaccine and wonder what ingredients might be common to the Moderna product?


I got my 1st Moderna shot on 2/17 and a few min later I had a weird taste in my mouth, but then it went away. The injection site was sore but not bad. Went to sleep and woke up to both arms aching. Today is 2/19 both arms are still achy above the elbow.

Lisa Pinheiro

I feel relieved after reading comments about arm/shoulder pain. I (54 y/o) received my Moderna vaccination on 2/15 and felt no arm pain until the next morning. 5 days later arm, shoulder, still very painful, sore, but no obvious redness or swelling. Simply difficult to lift or move arm into a comfortable position even with use of Tylenol and/or Aleve. Hoping to feel relief soon and wishing you all the same


Day 5 after 1st Moderna shot I had developed a dull, sore-to-the touch area above the vaccine site – near the back of my underarm. Still there 8 days later. I’ve been itchy on hands but not sure what that is as I suffer from contact dermatitis.


I had my first vaccine January 8 and felt a ache start across my upper arm starting from the area of the shot. Later that day my arm was sore like I had played pass it on. That soreness is still there and I get some showing pain gong across and down my arm because of it I had my second vaccine Feb 5 in the same arm . I did not want both arms feeling like this 😫


I appear to be one of the unfortunate few who are allergic to the Moderna vaccine. One day after my vaccine I noticed a rash on my torso, back and neck. I took photos then took Benadryl and Allegra. It helped a bit. I had a telemedicine appointment today and after seeing my photos said I was having a non severe allergic reaction to the vaccine. He prescribed steroids. I am only 4 days out from my vaccine and would like to know when this rash will subside. My airways are not affected. I am allergic to penicillin and quite a lot of antibiotics which makes me difficult to treat, I’ve never had a reaction to a vaccine and always get a flu shot. I’m VERY disappointed in my body’s reaction and am not sure it would be prudent to get the second shot. I hope this helps someone.


Received my second Moderna vaccine on 2/18. By that evening, my arm started to hurt. Had a terrible night. By the next day, I had difficulty using my arm. I could not lift it without assistance from my other hand. I cannot lift my arm higher than my forehead and I can’t stretch it out in front of me or shoulder height to the side. It has been 55 hours since I received the shot, and I am a little worried.


first Moderna shot had a rough night aches and pains. Cleared up day later. 2nd shot worse pain ever in my shoulder, could not sleep for 2 days. Extremely weak can hardly raise arm without using other arm to help. Hopefully it will come back to normal in a few more days. Taking Tylenol to ease pain.


Got first shot on Jan. 27. Arm pain for a couple days that went away. Then a few days later, it came back. I cannot sleep on my left side nor lift my arm higher than horizontal without pain. I am 71, live alone, and need both my arms to function. Very concerned about getting the 2nd shot in 2 days. I also only weigh 90# and they are unable to provide the ideal 5/8″ needle ideal for someone of my size.


I’m 9 days post 2nd shot of Pfizer and my arm is slightly swollen (my wedding ring is tight) and my arm feels like it’s coming off being asleep all the time. I was worried it was a sign of a heart attack until I saw this thread. Hopefully it’s just a lingering minor reaction. I also had a small rash on my torso that appeared a few days ago, so that must be as well. I honestly didn’t expect there to be lingering issues after the first few days.

Jennifer jarrett

I had the Oxford jab on the 18th of January and my arm still hurts is this right as it’s been over a month


same , 4 weeks later arm started hurting!!!!!!


I had the Moderna vaccine Feb. 3. My arm still hurts when I lift it. Should I go to the doctor?


I had my first Mordena shot Feb 13. First day was fine. The second day arm was very sore at injection site. It hurt to move my arm. Pain seemed to subside but on February 23 the arm began to become sore to touch, red, very warm and itches. I am glad to read that I am not the only one to get this reation. I intend on getting my second shot but don’t know if I should have it in the same arm of switch. Any suggestions?

Sharon G.

Got my first Moderna shot 2weeks ago. Felt like someone wrenched my arm off. It lasted a few days and 10 days later my arm is hurting again. Feel better after reading it seems to be a common reaction but hoping it will go away and also worried about the second shot


Had a strange side-effect after first Moderna vaccination. Received that vaccine in my left arm and it was sore but bearable. Two days later, my right arm was sore in exactly the same place.

Yesterday, I received the second vaccination and when I went to bed, my left arm was sore from shoulder to elbow but not bad. In the middle of the night I woke up with strong aching in both arms from shoulder to elbow. Got up, took an Ibuprofen and went back to sleep. This morning when I awoke, it was just my left arm where I received the vaccination. The right side was just fine. There has to be some kind of connection to nerves in exactly the same place on both sides. Will check with my Primary Care Physician when I see her for annual physical.


After second dose of Moderna vaccine I have had very swollen and tender lymph nodes under that arm for two days immediately afterwards but they seem to be resolving now.


Had my 1st Moderna shot on Feb 1st
No problem
Day 2 my arm was extremely sore and into day 3 it started to disapated
No problems till tonight
Arm is sore again at vaccination site
No swelling or redness but it has been fine since day 3 and am due for my 2nd shot in a few days on March 1st
I am right handed so the injection was given in left arm
In addition I started feeling like I am comming down with something like Sinusitis
Took an Alegra D which helps with the congestion and sinus headache and sire throat is going away
Am wondering if the 2 are related?
I t is not uncommon for me to get sinus issues particularly in the winter but what concerns me is that my arm became sore again along with the sinus symptoms
Will see if the soreness subsides in a few days
Now am concerned about getting shot #2 in a few days
It is a wait and see I guess
Better than getting Covid


Had Moderna vaccine #1 on 2/11/21. I was fine until 2/20/21 when a hard, warm red circle appeared on the injection arm. It has continued to spread, now on day seven and has become painful and swollen. I contacted my doctor a few days ago and was told to use warm compresses and take Benadryl. I did that for two days and then did extensive reading online about Covid Arm. It said use ice for swelling and Benadryl. Nothing has helped, so I contacted my doctor again, asking to be seen. No available appointments and after a second call to him today, a prescription of steroids was phoned in to my drugstore. I have to start that medication tomorrow because it is a timed medication. So, I’m still in worse pain tonight. I’m taking Tylenol for pain. I fear this is an infection and I possibly need an antibiotic rather than steroid, due to the area keeps getting larger and larger and more painful. Also, I read that taking steroids should be the last resort, as it can also interfere with the vaccine working.


Two hours after receiving my first dose of he Moderna vaccine on Feb. 5, I experienced excruciating pain in my ribs below the arm where I received the vaccine. The pain was so severe that I could not breathe a full breath or speak easily. I was taken by ambulance to the local ER, and they said they did not think my pain was a reaction to the vaccine. The following week, my close friend had a similar reaction in her lower spine. I have seen nothing about severe rib or spinal pain in the articles about the Moderna shot. I am scheduled for the second shot March 5 and am very concerned.


Received both shots of Pfizer (2/2 and 2/22). Minor ache after 1st shot, that’s all. 2nd shot injection site felt tingly immediately. Later same day, major swelling and severe pain around injection site. Second day injection site red, hot and itchy rash and still very swollen and painful. Rash grew to 2in diameter by 3rd day, continued Benadryl, applied OTC hydrocortisone cream. By 4th day itch subsided, redness fading–but rash and hot feeling flares up from time to time, but then fades after applying cool compress. Also experiencing tingly feeling (almost like arm is falling asleep) in arm, shoulder area which comes and goes. Today is 5th day and although rash at injection site is fading, there is still significant swelling, and a small itchy spot now on my back. Still taking Benadryl and applying hydrocortisone cream. Pain is less, last night was first night I could roll over onto that arm. If doesn’t improve I’ll talk with my primary care dr.

Robin Levine

Had 1st dose of Moderna on 2/8 mid-day… that night, felt fine but was fatigued and left arm was sore around the area of the injection. Soreness lasted a couple of days but all the other symptoms dissipated and was fine 3 days ago, on 2/24 (2 1/2 weeks after the shot) , I started to itch on the back of my shoulder on the left side and it felt numb in spots. I thought I may be getting Shingles so I sent the doc a photo of the rash but he didn’t know what it was. Also had pain in my neck on the left side and the point of my shoulder by the socket. Today, the itchiness stopped pretty much but I started feeling sore in the spot where I’d received the vaccine, in my upper left arm. As the day progresses, the pain is more pronounced. I realized it was at the site where I’d gotten the shot. The giveway was the pain at the injection site….

Nancy Bryan

Seven days after my 1st Moderna shot I had a rash and itching at the injection site. Now ten days later I have itching and a lumpy rash on BOTH arms.

Nancy Ribeck

I had the Moderna shot 28 days ago and the area around my elbow and inside of my lower arm has a tingling sensation and slight soreness that has not gone away.
If feels similar to my arm falling asleep. Most of the pain is centered around the inside of the elbow area.
I am nervous about the second shot, but am doing it and then calling my doctor to see if I developed some sort of infection in that arm. Don’t know.

David Wallace

Day 16 after the Astra Zeneca vaccination and I still have conspicuous bruising at the injection site and a painful arm. I can only assume this is a local immune response. As this is all very new, it would be helpful if others could provide updates on their progress. Thank you.

Kathy Ball

I have no redness or swelling just arm pain that started 8 days after my injection. Pain that keeps me from certain movements and really affects my sleep. Not sure I want to get my second shot. Will I not be able to move my arm at all? Does the spot of injection affect your arm? Mine was way up towards my shoulder.


I had my first Moderna shot on 2/11/21 later in the day, The next day a little tenderness at the injection area and it continued for a couple of days, by 2/14 all seemed to be better. However on about day 13 (2/24/21) I have noticed that my arm is very dull ache to it, NO swelling, rash, redness, etc. Ibuprofen helps a little. It is just annoying, not normal.

Gabriela Trevizo

Delayed experience here after my first shot though I had joint pain that started a few hours afterwards. I am now 10 days post-shot and injection site is red plus aches in my arm from my shoulder down to my elbow. Made it almost impossible to sleep, even after a dose of Tylenol. Guess I’ll just wait a few days and see how it goes…

Karen Evans

I received my 1st Pfizer shot on 2/10/21 and my arm hurt the next day but was almost back to normal the day after. It is now March 2nd and my arm hurts off and on from the injections site to my shoulder and my neck. I was getting concerned but after reading these posts it seems it can be from the vaccine. I am a little leery about getting the second shot on March 9.


getting second shot with the moderna my right arm is aching hurt to pick up. had the first shot the 2 of feb. should i get the second shot the third of march? will the pain go away?

Fiona Park

Had my Astra Zeneca jab on 28th Jan very high up on my arm near shoulder and have been in awful pain ever since. Can’t move my arm without pain, worse at night. Been to physio twice but no better. When will it end. Not going to have the second dose.


I received my first moderna shot Feb 12th.At first it was sore for about two days. Then went away. Then about 8 days in, I started to get left chest pains. Deep chest pains. Two days later, the chest pains subsided but my chest felt heavy. My arms became sore and tingled a little and my upper back aches. I went to ER and they of course found nothing. I didn’t put it together that maybe it was the vaccine side affects because it’s been over 10 days and that initial arm soreness had subsided. I’m scared to get the second shot now because all I can think is when will this arm pain and chest pressure go away?