COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect Tracker

Emma Yasinski
Emma Yasinski Staff Writer

Most Recent Updates:

Click the dates to jump to more details.

  • May 17, 2024: Astrazeneca is facing two lawsuits. One is a class action lawsuit from patients who experienced thrombosis after receiving the shot, and another is from a woman who was a clinical trial participant in the US. She says the company failed to support her after she suffered debilitating vaccine side effects such as nerve damage and double vision.
  • July 3, 2023: Researchers are studying a possible link between vaccination and long COVID-like symptoms in a small minority of patients. These symptoms include experiences such as fatigue, irregular heart rates, and headaches that last for weeks after vaccination. Read more here.
  • Feb 8, 2023: A booster shot of Moderna (the third shot, which is the same as the first two and is not the bivalent booster) was associated with spontaneously developing hives 8-13 days after the shot, that lasted six weeks or longer, according to a study in JAMA. The study suggested that 19-24 out of every 100,000 people vaccinated experienced the side effect.
  • Jan 13, 2023: Prizer’s Omicron (bivalent) booster seemed to be associated with a heightened risk of stroke in patient 65 and older for three weeks after getting the shot, according to data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink, a federal safety surveillance system. The CDC and FDA released a joint statement that several other streams of data including: the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services database, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) database, and data from other countries did not show an association between the shot and strokes, and that they believe the vaccine is safe. Moderna’s Omicron (bivalent) booster did not show similar signals.
  • July 15 2022: Of people with regular menstrual cycles 42% reported heavier periods after receiving Covid vaccines. The experience was more common among individuals with PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or other hormonal conditions. Another 44% of those who did not have regular cycles (due to long-acting contraceptives or gender affirming treatments) reported breakthrough bleeding.
  • June 14 2022: Researchers compared the adverse effects experienced by patients who took Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine over the course of 42 weeks. The risk was very low for both, but those that took Pfizer’s were slightly more likely to suffer heart attacks or strokes. The researchers say there is a possibility that these outcomes are not linked to the vaccines, but to Covid infections, and that the results could also belie a slightly lower efficacy of Pfizer’s vaccine. They emphasize the benefits of both vaccines still outweigh the risks.
  • May 6: The FDA has limited the use of the J&J vaccine after 60 cases of blood clots associated with thrombocytopenia syndrome have been discovered. 18.7 million doses of the shot have been administered, and regulators don’t yet know who is at the highest risk of clots.
  • January 25: COVID vaccination did not impact the likelihood of couples conceiving in a recent study.
  • January 21: The NIH is investigating the possibility that the vaccines cause long covid-like symptoms such as irregular heart rates and brain fog in very rare cases.
  • January 7: Moderna and Pfizer shots are associated with a temporary increase in menstrual cycle length of just under a day, according to a new study. The researchers say future studies will look at breakthrough bleeding and heavy flows, which have been reported anecdotally.
  • January 3: The FDA has authorized third shots of the Pfizer vaccine for teens 12-15 years old, and immunocompromised children between 5-11 years old. The agency also shortened the amount of time between the second and third shots from six months to five months.
  • December 31: CDC data shows that serious side effects of Pfizer’s shot are extremely rare in children 5-11. While many reported arm pain, fevers and muscle pain like the adults, only 11 out of more than 40,000 reported myocarditis. Seven of those have fully recovered and four are currently improving.
  • October 27: MedShadow reached out to cardiologist Jennifer Su, MD, to help you understand the risk of myocarditis in kids and teens who receive the COVID-19 vaccines. Read the article here.

To help you sort through the news on the COVID-19 vaccine’s progress, MedShadow has created the MedShadow Vaccine Tracker, the only tracker focused on the side effects and adverse events associated with proposed COVID-19 vaccinations.

Rather than injecting patients with a weakened virus or proteins from the pathogen that our immune systems can recognize, which is what’s typically done when we get a flu vaccine, the new vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer — the two that made it to the market first in the U.S. — contain mRNA (messenger RNA), which is a genetic template that instructs our cells to build the viral proteins that our immune systems can then recognize. Its main perk is that allowing our bodies to produce the proteins (rather than growing them in a lab like traditional vaccines) slashes production time. For nearly 20 years, researchers have been interested in using mRNA in vaccines; and some were even tested in early clinical trials for rabies, influenza and Zika. However, the vaccines for COVID-19 will be the first mRNA vaccines ever authorized by the FDA.

Some risks and minor side effects, such as a sore arm where the vaccine is injected or a light skin rash, are clearly worth the benefit of being protected against a disease. Where to draw the line at what is or is not acceptable is a personal decision. That’s where the MedShadow Vaccine Tracker can help. 

On the tracker, we will be publishing up-to-date Phase 3 results information about the risks of each vaccination. Phase 3 tests the vaccine for safety and efficacy in large groups of people (tens of thousands) and is the last stage before the FDA considers approval for use in the population at large. We continue following verified reports as the vaccines are offered to the general public. It is important to note that reports of events occurring after vaccination are not inherently linked to it. As countries begin to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people, some would inevitably be diagnosed with illnesses or pass away each day with or without the injections.

Jump to:

ModernaPfizerCanSinBio (China) | Gameleya (Russia) | Johnson & Johnson

AstrazenecaNovavax (UK)Sinopharm (China)Sinovac (China)Murdoch (England)|Bharat Biotech



Moderna started Phase III clinical trials for its vaccine candidate in July. In earlier trials, nearly half of patients experienced common adverse effects like injection site pain, rash, headaches, muscle soreness, nausea and fevers after the second injection. These effects generally subsided within two days. CNBC spoke to a few individuals, some participating in Moderna’s trial and some in Pfizer’s trial who said much the same thing: the side effects were intense and included a high fever, body aches, bad headaches and exhaustion, but were worth it for protection from Covid-19.

In the FDA report published in December, the most common side effects were pain at injection site (91.6% of patients), fatigue (68.5%), headache (63.0%), muscle pain (59.6%), joint pain (44.8%), and chills (43.4%). Three patients experienced Bell’s Palsy, a sudden, and usually temporary, weakening or paralysis of the facial muscles.

The CDC reports that 11% of patients experienced swollen lymph nodes after the first shot. That raised to 16% after the second shot.

A few patients with facial fillers experienced swelling after receiving the vaccine. They were treated with antihistamines and steroids.

January 18: In California, officials halted the use of one particular batch of Moderna vaccines (lot 41L20A) after a small cluster (fewer than 10) of patients at one particular site experienced allergic reactions that required medical attention.

February 1: A study posted on Feb 1 showed that patients who received the vaccine after having been previously infected with COVID-19 showed greater immune response to the first shot and more intense side effects that are associated with strong immune responses like fever and muscle aches. The study included patients who received either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Some scientists believe these patients may only need a single shot to provide sufficient immunity, but more research is needed.

February 12: Out of the first 7.5 million doses administered from Dec 14- Jan 18, 19 cases of anaphylaxis were reported to VAERS after the Moderna vaccine. No patients have died from anaphylaxis. Patients are now being monitored for 15-30 minutes after receiving the vaccine to watch for signs of anaphylaxis. The CDC suggests that anyone who has an immediate allergic reaction to a single dose of an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) should not get the second dose. If your reaction was not immediate, you may be referred to an allergy specialist. The vaccines do not contain polysorbate, but do have a related ingredient, polyethylene glycol (PEG). If you have an allergy to either of these chemicals, you should not get the vaccines. 

Many patients are reporting injection site reactions that show up shortly after the injection or up to a week later. These reactions — which are characterized by swelling, redness, itching, rashes, heat and pain — are expected to last a day to a week. Physicians emphasize that while these effects can be scary, they are not dangerous and should not prevent someone from getting the second shot. So far, doctors do not report seeing these reactions after the second shot, however so few have been given so far that scientists are not sure how common it will be on round two.

March 3: Allergy researchers at Mass General Hospital created a registry for healthcare professionals to report  immediate and delayed reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations. On March 3, the researchers published a letter in the New England Journal of Medicine describing a series of 12 delayed injection site reactions including swelling and rashes. The researchers wrote that one patient received antibiotics although they were not necessary. Several others were treated with steroids or anti inflammatories. The letter included some photos and said that the reactions cleared up within a median of six days. Patients were encouraged to receive their second dose. Half of them did not experience the reaction the second time. A quarter did, but to a lesser degree.

March 8: Researchers from Mass General Brigham published a Research Letter in JAMA analyzing allergic reactions in employees who received their shots there. Out of 52,805 participants, 2.1% experienced some kind of allergic reaction, including hives, itching, rash, swelling or respiratory symptoms within the first three days after vaccination. Allergies were slightly more common with the Moderna vaccine than the Pfizer vaccine (2.2% compared to 1.95%). Sixteen experienced anaphylaxis.

Moderna has announced that it will begin testing its vaccine in children and adolescents, who they believe may have stronger immune responses, leading to more intense side effects.

April 20: Researchers have received over 25,000 responses to an online survey regarding menstrual changes after receiving any COVID-19 vaccine. The survey is ongoing as researchers hope to gain a better understanding of future directions of research. An op-ed in the New York Times explains how the vaccines could potentially interact with menstrual cycles, and why we really don’t know yet.

April 22: The CDC published an analysis of data from the first few months of voluntary V-safe surveys that suggested that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are safe for pregnant women. Pregnant patients self-reported slightly fewer side effects like fever, headache and chills than the general population, but more said they experienced nausea and injection site pain. Rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as pre-term birth were similar to rates seen before the pandemic. While promising, officials noted that more studies will be required.

April 26: MedShadow asked doctors about some of the unusual symptoms we’re hearing about in the comments: heart palpitations and visual disturbances. They hadn’t had patients who reported long-term symptoms, but said that if the symptoms occurred very quickly after vaccination, they could be related to allergic reactions or presyncope.

April 27: Clinical trials of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines showed 7 cases of Bell’s Palsy. An analysis published today in JAMA suggested the experience was no more frequent after these vaccines than other vaccines. It is unclear whether vaccines raise the risk of facial paralysis at all, but the authors write, “if an association between facial paralysis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines exists, the risk is likely very low, as with other viral vaccines.”

May 5: Researchers published a detailed analysis of skin reactions after Moderna and Pfizer vaccinations, including swelling and rashes. Most patients with first dose reactions did not have reactions after their second dose. Larger reactions on the arm spreading outward from the injection site were the most common reactions among those who received the Moderna vaccine, followed by smaller localized reactions and hives. Five patients (1.9%) experienced a zoster (shingles) flare after the first dose but none after the second dose. About 1% of patients experienced a flare of an existing skin condition after each dose.

May 20: An analysis published in JAMA suggests that hearing loss is NOT a side effect of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

June 10: The CDC says that as of May 31, VAERS had received 475 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people 30 years of age and younger who received a COVID-19 vaccine. Upon follow-up, the CDC and FDA confirmed 226 of the reports. They emphasize that more than 18 million people between ages 12-24 have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. A CDC Fact Sheet on the effect is available here.

June 23: About 1.9% of healthcare employees who received an mRNA vaccination had a skin reaction such as itching or a rash after the first dose. Most (83%) who reported a skin reaction after the first dose, did not experience it again after the second dose, according to a study today in JAMA Dermatology. Another 2.3% experienced a skin reaction after only the second dose.

August 18: The FDA and CDC authorized third shots for patients with specific conditions that compromise their immune systems. The Biden administration has also pushed for booster shots to be made available to everyone, eight months after their second dose, in response to waning antibody levels and a rise in breakthrough infections. People who took Pfizer, Moderna or J&J’s vaccines are still highly protected against hospitalization and death. This plan is not yet authorized. The agencies are also waiting for data to provide guidelines specific to J&J vaccine recipients in the coming weeks. Around a million people have gotten third shots so far in the US and abroad. The FDA hasn’t reviewed all of the data yet, but no new safety concerns have emerged thus far. See answers to frequently asked questions regarding the booster shots here.

August 19: The FDA and CDC are investigating the possibility that Moderna’s vaccine could be up to 2.5 times more likely to be associated with myocarditis (heart inflammation), especially for males under 30 years old. If true, the effect would still be exceedingly rare and scientists say the benefits still greatly outweigh the harms of vaccination. Most patients recover on their own with minimal intervention.

October 23:Researchers found that allergies to the mRNA vaccines are not likely due to the chemical PEG. Most patients (86.7%) who experienced an immediately allergic reaction after the first shot could safely receive the second dose if pretreated with antihistamines. None of the patients required hospital admission.

October 27: MedShadow reached out to cardiologist Jennifer Su, MD, to help you understand the risk of myocarditis in kids and teens who receive the COVID-19 vaccines. Read the article here.

Dec 8: The FDA authorized Astrazeneca’s monoclonal antibody treatment as an alternative to the vaccine for people over 12 years old who are immunocompromised or have a history of severe vaccine reactions. The treatment is given in two injections and protection is thought to last 6 months up to a year. It reduced the risk of symptomatic COVID-19 by 82%.

June 14: Researchers compared the adverse effects experienced by patients who took Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine over the course of 42 weeks. The risk was very low for both, but those that took Pfizer’s were slightly more likely to suffer heart attacks or strokes. The researchers say there is a possibility that these outcomes are not linked to the vaccines, but to Covid infections, and that the results could also belie a slightly lower efficacy of Pfizer’s vaccine. They emphasize the benefits of both vaccines still outweigh the risks.

Feb 8, 2023: A booster shot of Moderna (the third shot, which is the same as the first two and is not the bivalent booster) was associated with spontaneously developing hives 8-13 days after the shot, that lasted six weeks or longer, according to a study in JAMA. The study suggested that 19-24 out of every 100,000 people vaccinated experienced the side effect.

July 3, 2023: Researchers are studying a possible link between vaccination and long COVID-like symptoms in a small minority of patients. These symptoms include experiences such as fatigue, irregular heart rates, and headaches that last for weeks after vaccination. Read more here.


Pfizer began Phase III clinical trial for its vaccine candidate in July. In earlier trials, some patients experienced common adverse effects like injection site pain, rash, headaches, muscle soreness, nausea and fevers. These effects generally subsided within two days. CNBC spoke to a few individuals, some participating in Pfizer’s trial and others in Moderna’s trial who said much the same thing: the side effects were intense and included a high fever body aches, bad headaches and exhaustion in addition to the more common side effects, but were worth it for protection from Covid-19.

Some patients described the side effects as being similar to a bad hangover. A nurse who participated in the clinical trial reported feeling minimal effects after the first dose, but a fever that reached more than 104 degrees Fahrenheit after the second injection, along with chills, headache, and intense injection site pain. According to researchers, her experience of having all symptoms together was rare, though many patients had one or two of these side effects. “Clinicians will need to be prepared to discuss with patients why they should trust the vaccine and that its adverse effects could look a lot like COVID-19,” the nurse wrote on Dec 7.

The FDA report published in December said the most common reactions were injection site reactions (84.1%), fatigue (62.9%), headache (55.1%), muscle pain (38.3%), chills (31.9%), joint pain (23.6%), fever (14.2%). Swollen lymph nodes occurred in 0.3% of patients. The FDA reported that four patients who received the vaccine experienced Bell’s Palsy.

January 12: A doctor in Florida died 16 days after receiving the vaccine from a rare blood disorder, acute immune thrombocytopenia. Both Pfizer and the CDC are investigating, though the company has released a statement that so far, they haven’t seen any signs in the clinical trials or data collected from early vaccinations that the death could be related to the vaccine. The blood disorder immune thrombocytopenia, has also been seen as a rare complication of COVID-19 itself, in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.

January 19: Twenty-three elderly patients in Norway died after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine. Officials are investigating whether or not the deaths are vaccine-related. Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, suggests that while the deaths may be coincidental given the fragile population, it’s possible that side effects of the vaccines, like fevers, may have strained the frail patients’ bodies and contributed to their deaths. Norway has vaccinated about 45,000 people so far, most of whom live in nursing homes.

February 1: A study posted on Feb 1 showed that patients who received the vaccine after having been previously infected with COVID-19 showed greater immune response to the first shot and more intense side effects that are associated with strong immune responses like fever and muscle aches. The study included patients who received either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Some scientists believe these patients may only need a single shot to provide sufficient immunity, but more research is needed.

February 12: Out of the first 9.9 million doses administered from Dec 14- Jan 18, 47 cases of anaphylaxis were reported to VAERS after the Pfizer vaccine. Patients are now being monitored for 15-30 minutes after receiving the vaccine to watch for signs of anaphylaxis. The CDC suggests that anyone who has an immediate allergic reaction to a single dose of an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) should not get the second dose. If your reaction was not immediate, you may be referred to an allergy specialist. The vaccines do not contain polysorbate, but do have a related ingredient, polyethylene glycol (PEG). If you have an allergy to either of these chemicals, you should not get the vaccines. 

March 8: Researchers from Mass General Brigham published a Research Letter in JAMA analyzing allergic reactions in employees who received their shots there. Out of 52,805 participants, 2.1% experienced some kind of allergic reaction, including hives, itching, rash, swelling or respiratory symptoms within the first three days after vaccination. Allergies were slightly more common with the Moderna vaccine than the Pfizer vaccine (2.2% compared to 1.95%). Sixteen experienced anaphylaxis.

March 30: Researchers publish a case study of a single patient in which they suspect the Pfizer vaccine may have caused a rheumatoid arthritis flare. The flare was treated, and the patient is in remission. The researchers and RA advocacy groups still advise patients to get the vaccine as the benefits outweigh the risks of a flare up.

April 20: Researchers have received over 25,000 responses to an online survey regarding menstrual changes after receiving any COVID-19 vaccine. The survey is ongoing as researchers hope to gain a better understanding of future directions of research. An op-ed in the New York Times explains how the vaccines could potentially interact with menstrual cycles, and why we really don’t know yet.

April 22: The CDC published an analysis of data from the first few months of voluntary V-safe surveys that suggested that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are safe for pregnant women. Pregnant patients self-reported slightly fewer side effects like fever, headache and chills than the general population, but more said they experienced nausea and injection site pain. Rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as pre-term birth were similar to rates seen before the pandemic. While promising, officials noted that more studies will be required.

April 26: MedShadow asked doctors about some of the unusual symptoms we’re hearing about in the comments: heart palpitations and visual disturbances. They hadn’t had patients who reported long-term symptoms, but said that if the symptoms occurred very quickly after vaccination, they could be related to allergic reactions or presyncope.

April 27: Clinical trials of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines showed 7 cases of Bell’s Palsy. An analysis published today in JAMA suggested the experience was no more frequent after these vaccines than other vaccines. It is unclear whether vaccines raise the risk of facial paralysis at all, but the authors write, “if an association between facial paralysis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines exists, the risk is likely very low, as with other viral vaccines.”

May 5: Researchers published a detailed analysis of skin reactions after Moderna and Pfizer vaccinations, including swelling and rashes. Nearly a quarter of patients had smaller local reactions after each of the two shots. Hives were the most common skin reaction (26% after the first shot, 18% after the second,) among patients who received the Pfizer vaccine. Several also experienced flares of existing skin conditions.

May 10: Pfizer’s vaccine received Emergency Use Authorization for 12 to 15-year-olds. The company reported that common adverse effects like chills and fever were more common in this age group than adults. Adverse reactions in adolescents 12 through 15 years of age included pain at the injection site (90.5%), fatigue (77.5%), headache (75.5%), chills (49.2%), muscle pain (42.2%), fever (24.3%), joint pain (20.2%), injection site swelling (9.2%), injection site redness (8.6%), lymphadenopathy (0.8%), and nausea (0.4%). These effects generally subsided within 1-2 days. While data on syncope (fainting) was not included, the announcement mentioned that fainting after vaccination is more common in teens than adults, and that safety measures should be in place to reduce this risk.

May 20: An analysis published in JAMA suggests that hearing loss is NOT a side effect of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

May 23: The CDC is investigating reports of myocarditis in a small number of vaccinated teens. Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, has multiple causes but a viral infection is the most common trigger. In 2019, one million people were diagnosed with myocarditis, most of them under 40 years old. It’s not yet clear if these events were related to the vaccine.

June 9: A study in Nature Medicine suggests that there may be a very slightly elevated risk of blood disorders after receipt of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but NOT Pfizer’s. The study was based on an analysis of medical records in Scotland. Researchers say the vaccine’s benefits still outweigh the risks and that their results should not alter policy. The rates are similar to those seen with other common vaccines.

June 10: The CDC says that as of May 31, VAERS had received 475 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people 30 years of age and younger who received a COVID-19 vaccine. Upon follow-up, the CDC and FDA confirmed 226 of the reports. They emphasize that more than 18 million people between ages 12-24 have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. A CDC Fact Sheet on the effect is available here.

June 23: About 1.9% of healthcare employees who received an mRNA vaccination had a skin reaction such as itching or a rash after the first dose. Most (83%) who reported a skin reaction after the first dose, did not experience it again after the second dose, according to a study today in JAMA Dermatology. Another 2.3% experienced a skin reaction after only the second dose.

August 18: The FDA and CDC authorized third shots for patients with specific conditions that compromise their immune systems. The Biden administration has also pushed for booster shots to be made available to everyone, eight months after their second dose, in response to waning antibody levels and a rise in breakthrough infections. People who took Pfizer, Moderna or J&J’s vaccines are still highly protected against hospitalization and death. This plan is not yet authorized. The agencies are also waiting for data to provide guidelines specific to J&J vaccine recipients in the coming weeks. Around a million people have gotten third shots so far in the US and abroad. The FDA hasn’t reviewed all of the data yet, but no new safety concerns have emerged thus far. See answers to frequently asked questions regarding the booster shots here.

August 22: Researchers published two case studies of patients experiencing neurological effects such as losing balance and non-epileptic convulsions after the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines. They emphasize that functional neurological disorders are treatable.

September 2: Researchers in Israel reviewed medical records of patients who had experienced Guillan-Barre Syndrome (GBS) prior to receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot. Of the 579 patients, five were transferred to the hospital for neurological symptoms such as tremors or prickling sensations. Only one patient required medical care for relapse of GBS.

September 28: V-Safe data from 306 people who received their third shots showed that nearly identical numbers of patients reported side effects to the second and third shots. 79.4% and 74.1% reported local or systemic reactions, respectively, after the third dose compared to 77.6% and 76.5% who reported local or systemic reactions after the second dose, respectively.

October 23: Researchers found that allergies to the mRNA vaccines are not likely due to the chemical PEG. Most patients (86.7%) who experienced an immediately allergic reaction after the first shot could safely receive the second dose if pretreated with antihistamines. None of the patients required hospital admission.

October 27: MedShadow reached out to cardiologist Jennifer Su, MD, to help you understand the risk of myocarditis in kids and teens who receive the COVID-19 vaccines. Read the article here.

Dec 8: The FDA authorized Astrazeneca’s monoclonal antibody treatment as an alternative to the vaccine for people over 12 years old who are immunocompromised or have a history of severe vaccine reactions. The treatment is given in two injections and protection is thought to last 6 months up to a year. It reduced the risk of symptomatic COVID-19 by 82%.

Dec 31: CDC data shows that serious side effects of Pfizer’s shot are extremely rare in children 5-11. While many reported arm pain, fevers and muscle pain like the adults, only 11 out of more than 40,000 reported myocarditis. Seven of those have fully recovered and four are currently improving.

June 14: Researchers compared the adverse effects experienced by patients who took Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine over the course of 42 weeks. The risk was very low for both, but those that took Pfizer’s were slightly more likely to suffer heart attacks or strokes. The researchers say there is a possibility that these outcomes are not linked to the vaccines, but to Covid infections, and that the results could also belie a slightly lower efficacy of Pfizer’s vaccine. They emphasize the benefits of both vaccines still outweigh the risks.

January 13, 2023: Prizer’s Omicron (bivalent) booster seemed to be associated with a heightened risk of stroke in patient 65 and older for three weeks after getting the shot, according to data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink, a federal safety surveillance system. The CDC and FDA released a joint statement that several other streams of data including: the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services database, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) database, and data from other countries did not show an association between the shot and strokes, and that they believe the vaccine is safe. Moderna’s Omicron (bivalent) booster did not show similar signals.

July 3, 2023: Researchers are studying a possible link between vaccination and long COVID-like symptoms in a small minority of patients. These symptoms include experiences such as fatigue, irregular heart rates, and headaches that last for weeks after vaccination. Read more here.

CanSinBio (China) 

China granted the CanSinBio vaccine emergency approval prior to beginning a Phase III trial in August. In the Phase II trial, nearly three-quarters of patients reported at least one common mild adverse events including injection site pain, rash, headaches, muscle soreness, and fevers. Five people also reported vomiting.

Gamaleya Research Institute (Russia)

Gamaleya Research Institute launched Phase III trials in August. But before they got started, President Putin announced that the vaccine was approved early, however, the Phase III trials are expected to continue. In the earlier trials, almost all of the patients experienced low-grade fevers. A small number of patients reported heart palpitations. Otherwise, reported side effects were similar to other vaccines and included injection site pain, rash, headaches, and muscle soreness.

Feb 2: The group reported efficacy data along with some data on side effects in The Lancet. The most common adverse events were flu-like illness (15.2% of those vaccinated) and local reactions (5.4% of those vaccinated).

The report also states that there were six grade 3 adverse events which were not associated with the vaccination: acute sinusitis, an exacerbation of urolithiasis along with renal colic and deep vein thrombosis (both associated with pre-existing comorbidities) and extremity abscess (due to physical injury and subsequent infection of the wound surface of the soft tissues of the finger).

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson started a Phase III trial for its vaccine candidate in September 2020, but paused it on October 12 due to an unexplained illness and remains on hold. The company announced it would restart the trial on October 26. Pauses are common during clinical trials to evaluate specific adverse events, but the company has not shared details about the illness experienced by one of the trial volunteers. In earlier trials, about 70% of patients experienced at least one mild adverse effect similar to those seen with other vaccines, including injection site pain, rash, headaches, muscle soreness, and fevers.

On Feb 24, Johnson & Johnson shared data from its Phase III trials. The data suggested that while the vaccine is slightly less protective overall (but more protective against the 501Y.V2 variant that emerged from South Africa,) than the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, it produced fewer side effects.

The report says the most common reactions were injection site reactions (50.2%), fatigue (38.2%), headache (38.9%), muscle pain (33.2%), nausea (14.2%) and fever (9.0%).  Reactions were more common in patients under 60 than over 60.

Injection site pain lasted a median of 2 days, but up to 7 days in 2.3% of patients.

April 8: A vaccination site in Colorado paused operations after 11 patients became nauseous and dizzy minutes after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Two patients were transmitted to the hospital, but the rest were deemed healthy enough to return home. Officials said that those vaccinated at the same site should not be concerned.

April 13: The U.S. is calling for a pause on distributing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine while the FDA and CDC investigate blood clots that occurred in six patients (out of 7 million who received the vaccine so far.) One patient died and another was hospitalized. All the clots occurred in women under 50 within two weeks of receiving the vaccine. The issue is similar to the one seen with the AstraZeneca vaccine in Europe.

April 20: Researchers have received over 25,000 responses to an online survey regarding menstrual changes after receiving any COVID-19 vaccine. The survey is ongoing as researchers hope to gain a better understanding of future directions of research.

April 23: The U.S. is resuming use of the vaccine after finding only 15 total cases of blood clots out of the 7 million vaccinated. Patients will be warned about the risk at vaccination sites. Symptoms including headache, leg pain and abdominal pain occur 6-14 days after vaccination. If you have these symptoms you should seek emergency medical treatment. It is treatable with certain blood thinners.

April 26: MedShadow asked doctors about some of the unusual symptoms we’re hearing about in the comments: heart palpitations and visual disturbances. They hadn’t had patients who reported long-term symptoms, but said that if the symptoms occurred very quickly after vaccination, they could be related to allergic reactions or presyncope.

April 27: Doctors suggested that patients with a history of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, such as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, should not get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine (mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna are ok). If you’re at an increased risk for other types of blood clots, (because you have obesity or you smoke, for example) you do not have an elevated risk of blood clots with the J&J vaccine.

April 30: Researchers published detailed data about 12 patients who experienced blood clots in JAMA.

May 13: The CDC has identified more cases of the rare clotting disorder associated with the J&J vaccine. The total is 28 cases. Three patients have died and four are still hospitalized. It’s more common in women than in men, and the benefits still outweigh the risks of vaccination, officials say. Nine million doses of the vaccine have been delivered in the U.S.

May 26: A 37-year old woman in Belgium died from a blood clot thought to be related to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine she received. The country has stopped using the vaccine in patients under the age of 41.

July 12: The FDA is attaching a warning to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine about a slightly elevated risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can cause paralysis, within three weeks of receiving the vaccine.  About 100 cases have been identified. Most patients recovered. One 57-year-old man died. The benefits still out weight the risks of vaccination, it says.

August 22: The FDA and CDC authorized third shots for patients with specific conditions that compromise their immune systems. The Biden administration has also pushed for booster shots to be made available to everyone, eight months after their second dose, in response to waning antibody levels and a rise in breakthrough infections. People who took Pfizer, Moderna or J&J’s vaccines are still highly protected against hospitalization and death. This plan is not yet authorized. The agencies are also waiting for data to provide guidelines specific to J&J vaccine recipients in the coming weeks. Around a million people have gotten third shots so far in the US and abroad. The FDA hasn’t reviewed all of the data yet, but no new safety concerns have emerged thus far. See answers to frequently asked questions regarding the booster shots here.

Dec 8: The FDA authorized Astrazeneca’s monoclonal antibody treatment as an alternative to the vaccine for people over 12 years old who are immunocompromised or have a history of severe vaccine reactions. The treatment is given in two injections and protection is thought to last 6 months up to a year. It reduced the risk of symptomatic COVID-19 by 82%.

Dec 16: The CDC’s vaccine advisors are meeting to review data that suggests a heightened risk of clotting disorders in patients who received the J&J vaccine. Women aged 30-49 appear to be the most affected, though the condition likely impacts 1 out of 100,000 vaccine recipients. Nine have died.

May 6: The FDA has limited the use of the J&J vaccine after 60 cases of blood clots associated with thrombocytopenia syndrome have been discovered. 18.7 million doses of the shot have been administered, and regulators don’t yet know who is at the highest risk of clots.


The vaccine has been approved for use in the U.K., Argentina, India, E.U. and Mexico, but in May 2024, the company stopped manufacturing the vaccine, citing low demand.

May 17, 2024: Astrazeneca is facing two lawsuits. One is a class action lawsuit from patients who experienced thrombosis after receiving the shot, and another is from a woman who was a clinical trial participant in the US. She says the company failed to support her after she suffered debilitating vaccine side effects such as nerve damage and double vision.

March 11: Denmark has paused the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine while it investigates whether it is responsible for blood clots — one fatal — in some patients.

“It is important for us that the citizens are confident in the offer we give them and trust that we can vouch for the quality of the vaccines we have in our program. Therefore, we react promptly until we have investigated whether there is a connection between the vaccine and the possible side effects ,” officials wrote in a press release.

March 15: Several other countries (Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, France and Germany) have also paused use of the vaccine while unusual clotting events are investigated. Meanwhile, Thailand, which paused its use on Friday, March 12 restarted it on Sunday, March 14. On Sunday, AstraZeneca released a statement that its own review revealed “no increased risk” of clotting issues with the vaccine and that “So far across the  EU and UK, there have been 15 events of DVT [deep vein thrombosis] and 22 events of pulmonary embolism reported among those given the vaccine, based on the number of cases the Company has received as of 8 March. This is much lower than would be expected to occur naturally in a general population of this size and is similar across other licensed COVID-19 vaccines.”

March 18: The European Medicines Agency (EMA) issued a statement that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh the risks. The vaccine is not associated with an overall risk of blood clots, though there may be a very small increased risk of certain types of clots. The statement reads, “These are rare cases – around 20 million people in the UK and EEA had received the vaccine as of March 16 and EMA had reviewed only 7 cases of blood clots in multiple blood vessels (disseminated intravascular coagulation, DIC) and 18 cases of CVST [clots in the vessels that drain blood from the brain.] A causal link with the vaccine is not proven, but is possible and deserves further analysis.” These cases were more common in women under the age of 55. Germany, France, Italy, Latvia, Bulgaria and Slovenia have all stated that they’d restart or continue to offer the AstraZeneca vaccine in light of the news.

April 7: The EMA still says the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks. However, the group has suggested that blood clots be listed as a possible, albeit rare, side effect of the injection and that both patients and doctors be aware of the signs which include: shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling, persistent abdominal pain, neurological symptoms like blurry vision and blood spots under the skin beyond the site of injection. If you have these symptoms, seek medical assistance.

April 9: Out of 34 million recipients of the vaccine, 222 have reported blood clots. They appear to be more likely in younger patients, but it’s otherwise impossible to predict who will experience them. Some experts say they can be treated with intravenous immune globulin, which is currently used to treat immune disorders along with some types of blood thinners.

June 9: A study in Nature Medicine suggests that there may be a very slightly elevated risk of blood disorders after receipt of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but not Pfizer’s. The study was based on an analysis of medical records in Scotland. Researchers say the vaccine’s benefits still outweigh the risks and that their results should not alter policy. The rates are similar to those seen with other common vaccines.

August 22: Researchers published two case studies of patients experiencing neurological effects such as losing balance and non-epileptic convulsions after the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines. They emphasize that functional neurological disorders are treatable.

Dec 8: The FDA authorized Astrazeneca’s monoclonal antibody treatment as an alternative to the vaccine for people over 12 years old who are immunocompromised or have a history of severe vaccine reactions. The treatment is given in two injections and protection is thought to last 6 months up to a year. It reduced the risk of symptomatic COVID-19 by 82%.

Novavax (United Kingdom)

Novavax began Phase III clinical trials with its vaccine candidate in the United Kingdom in September and is had planned to start a trial in the United States in October. The trial was delayed due to manufacturing problems. The U.S. trial started on December 28. During Phase I/II trials, patients reported adverse events similar to those of other vaccine candidates, including injection site pain, rash, headaches, muscle pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. 

June 14: Novavax announced promising efficacy data in a press release. The release suggested that the vaccine has similar side effects to others already approved, but that they may be slightly milder. Complete data is not yet available.

 Sinopharm (China) 

In July, Sinopharm launched Phase III trials of its two vaccine candidates in the United Arab Emirates, Peru, Morocco, and Argentina, which are now approved for limited use in healthcare workers in China and the UAE. In earlier trials of one of the vaccines, made in collaboration with Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, about 15% of the patients reported adverse events similar to those of other vaccine candidates, including injection site pain, rash, headaches, muscle pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. There is little data available about the second vaccine, made in collaboration with the Beijing Institute of Biological Products.

Sinovac (China)

Sinovac opened Phase III trials of its vaccine candidate, CoronaVac, in July. It is already being used with emergency approval for high risk individuals in China. The earlier trials showed that about a third of patients experienced adverse effects similar to those in other vaccine candidates like injection site pain, fever, and fatigue, but the study included few details about more specific symptoms like nausea, headaches, and vomiting. On November 10, the trial was halted in Brazil due to a participant’s death. However, researchers say the death was not vaccine-related and the trial should continue. It has not been halted in other countries.

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (England)

The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute is running a Phase III trial repurposing Bacillus Calmette-Guerin — a vaccine developed nearly a century ago to prevent tuberculosis infections — to prevent Covid-19. Since the vaccine has been around such a long time, there are many reports on its potential adverse effects and the vaccine itself has been altered to minimize many of them. Injection site reactions are common, and lymphadenitis, swelling of the lymph nodes, is common.  

Bharat Biotech

Bharat Biotech announced it would begin Phase III trials in India on October 23. In early trials demonstrated side effect profiles similar to those of the other vaccines, including pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, and fever. The country announced emergency approval, though no Phase III data was included in the announcement.

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While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on MedShadow, we cannot guarantee its completeness or suitability for any particular individual's medical needs. Therefore, we strongly encourage users to consult with qualified healthcare professionals regarding any health-related concerns or decisions. By accessing and using MedShadow, you acknowledge and agree that the information provided on the site is not a substitute for professional medical advice and that you should always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
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I had three Moderna vaccines. My booster was in November 2021. In December 2021 I developed a liver inflammation which continued until the beginning of March 2022. I also now have a frozen shoulder, which symptoms began at the end of December 2021. I had an episode of Shingles in May 2022. All of these medical conditions have been documented as possible symptoms of the vaccine.

Mads Wedel-Ibsen

I find it embarrassing that the “vaccine” administered to the control group of the Astrazeneca trials is falsely called a placebo when in fact the control group also had actual vaccines.
This makes the control group as susceptible for side effects as the main group just as the case with the fraudulent approval of the HPV-vaccine Gardasil where the control group also received all the ingredients just not the antigens.
By comparing a vaccine to something that is not a real placebo will make the comparison ridiculous due to the fact that both groups will have similar effects.
In the Gardasil trials this similarity was used to create a false narrative that there was no significant difference between the two groups, actual vaccinated and placebo… Although there was no real placebo group.
Just a note!

Nan Story

My daughter received the Moderno vaccine on Wednesday December 30 New Year’s day her face swelled she had a heart rate of 135 she was admitted to emergency room in Everett Washington she’s a front line healthcare provider and her worksite required her to take the vaccine she was admitted to the ER again not with the swelling but with tremors hi heart rate was having a hard time breathing she was admitted to the ER again where they administered IV the first time she had received steroids but no swelling so they just gave her fluids and Valium to reduce her heart rate I am extremely concerned as she has continued dizziness 10 days after the vaccine she is still dizzy what’s the long-term effect I see that the reported adverse reactions as .6% I do not believe her house worksite reported they adverse reaction if anyone has information in regards how to be treated when you have adverse reactions and dizziness high heart rate fatigue she’s experiencing fatigue now 10 days after the vaccine please contactMe


If people realized how ridiculous is to give those “vague” sentences for something as important as health, side effects, symptoms….. But it just shows that human-factor and human-life is not as important as “the end goal” of “eliminating a virus”…..
I would be much more concerned with all the biolabs in existence throughout the world…. The reason why should we LET this labs exist, instead of banning them! What makes them less dangerous than “weapons of mass destruction”?!


Please help. I received the moderna vaccine on Dec 30th (health care professional) today is January 9th. I have a baseball size rash, hot to touch, not painful that started last a Tuesday (six days after injection). At first my arm was a bit sore but nothing more than the flu vaccine. I have drawn a circle around the mark to see if it is increasing in size, it has been increasing each day. I went to dr and they. Told me they don’t know what is causing this but put me on an antibiotic. I am scheduled for second vaccine on Jan 25th. Not sure if I should still get this.

Mark H

I am concerned with statements like “these solicited adverse events were generally short-lived.” Pfizer’s report has similar language (‘most’ resolved within 2-3 days). These vague sentences could mean ‘nearly half the time symptoms persisted indefinitely’! Did all instances of fever or fatigue, for example, resolve eventually? Or did some people have fevers and fatigue for weeks and still had them when the follow up period ended?


I am a volunteer with the Astrazeneca program and have a serious concern regarding their protocols and disclosure. I tolerated the initial injection without side-effects yet developed a strange auto-immune response immediately after the second injection. On the morning after the second injection, I noticed a large nodule on the middle joint of my finger which has not resolved. I have left several messages with the team advising of this development and have yet to receive a return call. While this is obviously not life-threatening, I strongly believe that it is a side-effect of the vaccine which should be noted as any other side-effect.


A rheumatologist should be including in follow up of adverse side effects after the last shot and every month after for 6 months or so. Checking inflammation over time and markers for disease is important. This symptoms that “usually” go away can be symptoms or early stages of a chronic disease. Leaving it to the public to report side effects is difficult because many do not understand their body or have access to good health care and by the time they do find a diagnosis it is later after visits to multiple doctors.


i had my covid 19 vaccine and the day after i ended in the emergency room with shorth of breath, tachycardia , high blood pressure, nauseas, chills, dizziness they did all tests possible and the conclusion is that had a very bad reaction to the vaccine . I am 43 years healthy don’t have any medical conditions and my covid 19 test was negative . is scary how people is reactioning to the vaccine not sure if I will get the second dose


I am a 61 yo working nurse with Asthma and Diabetes. I got my first injection at 0815 and by 1000 the headache started. As the day progressed I had more injection site discomfort but nothing beyond the usual flu shot irritation. I woke up the second day with fatigue and a low grade fever and chills. Today is day three and the headache is still there but the rest of the symptoms have subsided. Out of the seven coworkers that received the vaccination on the same day, only two of us had symptoms.


Hey Michelle,
I too am experiencing this. I reached out to our Medical Director handing our Vaccine clinics (who also happens to be my PCP). I thought I would share my experience with you and with others. I received my first dose on 1/2/21. My arm was sore that day and even more sore on day two. Then I was fine until day 7 and the site was tender again. Day 8 I woke up with redness, hot to the touch and very itchy. I was told to try Tylenol, hydrocortisone and cold compresses. It’s a little better today, less itch. I don’t think the Tylenol did anything. I was told that it isn’t an allergic reaction as that is within the first 15 minutes to 4 hours of receiving the vaccination. I’m told that this is a side effect and my body’s robust response. I was told that the contraindication of my symptoms wouldn’t prevent me from receiving the second dose. More info here under the ‘Recommendation for Contraindication and Precautions’ section:
Also, anyone can and should report any symptoms to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
The more information we can provide them the better. Hope you get some relief. Also, I’m a 41 yr old female, got the Moderna vaccine.


Michelle, a very similar thing has happened to my mom. She also got the vaccine on Dec 30, and for the first couple of days just had arm soreness and a little fatigue. She was fine after that until Jan 10 when – just like you – she developed a baseball size rash on her arm which is warm and itches a bit but doesn’t really hurt. She went to a doctor today and the doctor said they have heard of this happening to some people who’ve gotten Covid shots and don’t know what’s causing it but she too prescribed an antibiotic. Can you let me know what other medical advice you receive, and I’ll do the same?


This is the CDC tracker, much more detailed…

The latest analysis of 299 million covid vaccine doses and the VAERS side effects database shows:
1. 6.6% get severe side effects
2. 1.3% die

Crunch the numbers and depending on if you estimate based on 1-dose or 2-doses, you get:

Every 1 in 34000 to 68000 people getting covid vaccines die.
This is the size of a large university like UCLA. IE. Give every student at one such campus vaccines, 1 will die.

Every 1 in 6700 to 13000 people getting covid vaccines experience severe side effects.
This is the size of a community college. Ie. Give everyone on campus this size the vaccine, 1 will get very sick.

3. A significant number of those dying after vaccination are the elderly.

It’s not clear if simply going to get the vaccination (not distancing) exposed them to the covid or not either. Ie. Those distancing at home tend to be the least exposed, but medical professionals giving vaccinations tend to be the most exposed to covid infection since they’re around many potentially infected people daily. So simply going out for a vaccine can increase odds greatly vs distancing at home and having everything delivered.


“The study also reported overall pooled incidence rate was 1.5% for adverse events, 0.4 per 10,000 for severe adverse events, and 0.1 per 10 000 for DEATH after vaccination.

Healthcare workers showed a higher incidence rate for adverse events, serious adverse events, as well death after vaccination. Also, the incidence rate of adverse events was found to be higher in the AZD1222 vaccine group, serious adverse events were found to be higher in the Gam-COVID-Vac vaccine group, and DEATH after vaccination was found to be higher in the BNT162b2 vaccine group.”

So basically, if a high school has a thousand students, if you immunize everyone at one hundred schools, 1 person will die.

And more deaths occur when the Pfizer-Biotech vaccine is used.

Adverse side effects affect more than 1 out of each 100 vaccinated.

Lois Vierk

Thanks very much for developing the Covid 19 vaccine side-effects tracker. This will be very important information to have!

david rg cummins

dear sir i havean allergy with penecilin after i cut a finger seventy years ago. i am now 82 and expecting to get the covid vacine so would it be safe to have the vacination.
can you help ? drg cummins.


Its good to know how risky,the risk potential long term is unknown, but since there is a safe and effective natural therapy-why bother,

Ziad Najjar

Thank you Covid -19 vaccine side effects tracker , you made my day. From Jordan the due respect to your team. Dr. Ziad Najjar MD. MPH


I had the first vaccine and had side effects, I had headaches, nausea, back pain and it even felt like I had a UTI. I became lethargic and could not focus: and had to leave work half a day. And then could not go back to work because i still could not focus, I would stumble over my words, could not finish a sentence. My back pain started to get better after 2 weeks and then I had to get the second shot, now my back hurts again and I have periods where I run fever. And all the other side effects.


I had a similar reaction after my 1st dose of Moderna. I initially had some soreness and redness a few days later, but it subsided. On day 4 post vaccine, I felt very fatigued and had to take a sick day. By day 7, I developed red, itchy spots at the injection site which turned into a large, itchy welt by the end of day 8. My MD prescribed Medrol and hydroxyzine, which is helping the symptoms. I was concerned about taking the second vaccine, as well. My doctor said this was not a systemic reaction – just a local reaction. I will likely take my second dose but will definitely have some Benadryl handy.


My daughter and I had the Moderna vaccine (both have autoimmune conditions) and we both had intense arm pain immediately after the first injection that developed into a hot, red rash (size of a baseball). Hers also has a hard lump. It’s very hot and itchy. It’s been 12 days since we received the first vaccine and doctors don’t know what to do. They recommended Benadryl and Motrin. Benadryl helps a little, but it’s just not going away. We are both very nervous about getting the second shot.


i got post vaccine encephalitis after a vaccine and have never been the same since. never again will i get another one


I am a 48 yr old nurse and received the Pfizer vaccine 1st dose on Jan 11th. Arm was fine. Felt like I had a mild hangover – nothing huge but just felt under the weather that night and the next day. Tylenol / advil cleared it up. I am having symptoms that may not be related but started on the evening of post-vaccination day 1 – soreness / mild inflammation on edges of eyelids- one side greater than another. Almost like several sty’s but nothing visible. Eyes watering and mild pink eye type symptoms but eye itself is not reddened. Strictly along lash line upper and lower lids. Swelling and sore. Other eye is mild on one side of eye only. Polysporin drops don’t seem to do alot. Now 72 hrs after it started (96hrs post vaccination) and is slightly improved. While I doubt it is vaccine related, I am throwing it out there to see if anyone else had eye symptoms. I know the actual virus was reported to cause some in certain people. I have had both sty’s and pink eye before but this seems different – not quite either. Moderate – sore/watering – unable to wear eye makeup past few days. Probably unrelated but vaccine is too new to know for sure. Thanks!


I had the Moderna vaccine on January 7th. Today, January 16th, I noticed the redness on the arm the shot was injected in was all down my arm from my shoulder to almost my elbow, warm to the touch and itchy. I went to Urgent care, but the physician didn’t know why it would show up after 10 days or what it was.. He gave me a script for an antibiotic and told me to take Claritin and go to the emergency room if it got worse. Reading the comments on this page has helped me to understand I am not alone with this reaction. I hope you will continue to post how long the reaction took to go away.


Currently in the UK it is not for under 16, severe allergies or pregnancy and also now those with Guillain-Barré syndrome. the ‘gold standard’. However some people who are more vulnerable to this ingredient and can even develop antibodies against this substance and therefore develop allergic, sometimes severe, reactions to it.
There are many studies from a few years ago to more recently at the the beginning of this year regarding the Importance of ‘Poly(ethylene glycol) Alternatives for Overcoming PEG Immunogenicity in Drug Delivery and Bioconjugation,’ which would then help decrease the risk of adverse side effects even more, which could be one point. This is just one study of many and alternatives are being developed and not all vaccines will use this ingredient, I understand currently for PfizerBioNTech at this stage, it is not recommended for under 16, those with severe allergies, pregnancy and also now those with Guillain-Barré syndrome.


Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is one of the ingredients the PfizerBioNTech and Moderna vaccine and it was considered the ‘gold standard’. However some people are more vulnerable to this ingredient and can even develop antibodies against this substance and therefore develop allergic, sometimes severe, reactions to it.
There are many studies from a few years ago to more recently at the the beginning of this year, regarding the Importance of ‘Poly(ethylene glycol) Alternatives for Overcoming PEG Immunogenicity in Drug Delivery and Bioconjugation,’ which would then help decrease the risk of adverse side effects even more, which could be one point. This is just one study of many and alternatives are being developed and not all vaccines will use this ingredient, I understand currently for PfizerBioNTech at this stage, it is not recommended for under 16, those with severe allergies, pregnancy and also now those with Guillain-Barré syndrome.


Margaret Liu, the chairman of the board of the International Society for Vaccines and a pioneer of gene-based vaccines. (Liu is on scientific advisory board of the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute, which developed AstraZeneca’s vaccine for COVID-19.) Had this to say in ‘The Scientist’.
“Why these vaccines (mRNA) seem so effective while previous attempts against other pathogens haven’t appeared as promising remains an open question. One simple reason, according to Liu, might be the sheer volume of resources that were poured into developing them. Liu also hypothesizes that one explanation for the high levels of efficacy is that the vaccines might be triggering a nonspecific inflammatory response to the mRNA that could be heightening its specific immune response, given that the modified nucleoside technique reduced inflammation but hasn’t eliminated it completely. On the flip side, she adds, this may also explain the intense reactions such as aches and fevers reported in some recipients of the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. (Others have suggested that the lipid nanoparticle is responsible for these severe, but transient, side effects reported in some trial participants.)”?


I very much appreciate Medshadow having the information and a place where people can also comment on any reactions they have had.
There is also the Cov-19 ZOE app, which can now track anyone’s adverse reaction as well, it was independent, but then received some Government funding, but apparently, so far, it is independent in its data.
Also the UK Givernments website, or ‘Yellow Card’ vaccine monitor.
Sign in | Vaccine Monitor

Jose George

Is there any study about mRNA Covid vaccine and Vitiligo patients


I had the Pfizer vaccine with very minor fatigue fatigue and some aches in my back and knee after the second dose. I have spoken to about a hundred other medical staff members and none of us and no one we have spoken to have had anything more dramatic then what I experienced. None of my office personnel have had their second Moderna dose, but the first dose was without side effects on 35 people. Sorry that there are individuals who are having less fortune. Many of the things described above are side effects we see after administering allergy shots.

Mette L

Sad that the article is not updated but is month and month old. Good that we get the realtime comments and stories though!


I am a pharmacist in Memphis, Tennessee, I have received both vaccinations with Phizer vaccine for Covid. The first shot went ok – no major side effects or issues. The second shot that I received on 1/7/21 has been a different story. Initially nothing was wrong. About 36-48hrs later my right thumb started to pain me when I used my right hand for anything or the simplest of tasks as in tying my shoe. I didn’t think much of it and thought maybe I hurt it doing something else, but I couldn’t recall where I might have hurt it. Then I thought this could be from the vaccine. I tried to look up cases of this but didn’t find anything so then I just tried to convince myself it was something else and kept complaining to my wife. That was until my wife went to work last Friday 1/15/21 and she told me how one of her clients said she had taken the vaccine (second shot) and has been experiencing unbearable pain in her right thumb. My wife at the time freaked out and asked her again to repeat what she said. She then called me and told me what the lady had told her and how she has been complaining about the same thing for over a week now. The pain is unbearable when I use my right hand for the simplest of tasks (pick up anything, hold something, etc). When i don’t use the hand or thumb there is no pain. its almost two weeks now I have been dealing with this.


I received my first shot on 1/5. No side effects except a very sore arm. A week later I developed a rash and my injection site was hot and itched like crazy. I took Benadryl and put hydrocortisone cream on it along with cold compresses. It went away after 3 days. A week after that it came back only this time the splotchy redness was all over the side of my arm. It did not itch as much, but the rash was over a much larger area. I am doing the same again, but it has been 3 days and has not gone away yet. I am not sure I am going to get my second shot.


I thought you were talking about me! I am also 41, female, had Moderna vaccine last Monday. So today is day 8 and I also woke up with a baseball size redness on my left arm where I had the injection. Super hot to touch , feels firm when pressed and very itch. Itchness was worse in the morning, it was so bad I thought it was a bug bite. I applied cortizone 10 cream but it didn’t do anything. Icing the area helped a bit but it becomes hot again quick. I outlined the area with a pen… hopefully it gets better in few days 🙁


I got my 1st dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine! After receiving my first shot, my temperature elevated slightly. I could not sleep at all that night because I experienced body aches, fever, chills, headache, dried mouth, and fatigue. My injected arm was extremely sore. I did not take Ibuprofen or Advil. Instead, I drank a lot of water and went to the bathroom frequently, too. The next day I tried to take a nap during the day and headed to bed early as well. My body was back to perfectly normal on the fourth day after I got that Vaccine.


i got sinopharm vaccine.. after 3 days of vaccine i got green circled mark.. is it common?


I had my Moderna vaccine on January 11, 2021. Initially I felt fine. 15 minutes after I experienced tachycardia, dizziness, shortness of breath, warm feeling over my entire body, tremors, nausea, fatigue, and weakness. I was admitted to the ER and was told I was having a severe reaction. I received IV cortisone, benedryl, pepcid, and fluids. Episodes started to come less frequently and I was discharged. Day 2 I had severe fatigue, dizziness, low grade fever, chills, headache, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Day 2 my arm that I got the shot in is very hot to touch and extremely painful. I cannot lie on that side. I have diarrhea, dry throat, episodes of dizziness, and spikes in blood pressure. Day 3 arm is a little less painful, still unable to eat much, and diarrhea continues, and have body aches. I’ve been taking tylenol for the fever and body aches. Woke up at 2 a.m. drenched. Day 4 symptoms are the same. Day 5 throat is still dry, diarrhea is getting slightly better, dizziness, low grade fever is the same. Day 6 body aches are slightly better, still have very little energy. Diarrhea stopped, stopped taking the tylenol and temperature throughout the day goes down to normal and then back up to 99.9. Day 7 — feel about the same as yesterday, Day 8 –was able to eat a little more and seem to have appetite back. Still have low grade fever and some spikes in blood pressure, also put dishes away and ran the vaccuum then had to take a nap. Day 9, feel a little better but still have bouts of dizziness, and still have low grade fever that comes and goes throughout the day. Also still feel fatigue. I’m starting to feel like I will never feel normal again. Has anyone else experienced these side effects from the Moderna vaccine. Also my PCP said for me not to get the 2nd dose.


I’m a healthcare worker. Had my first Moderna shot 1/10. Last night 1/20 , noticed redness about the size of my fist around injection site. This AM, redder and sore. A little warm in the area too. Just took Benedryl and will see how it responds.
May be unrelated to shot, but one day after shot I began to have pain on the top of my left eye. Not the lid. I was much worse 2 days later and now has seems to subsided, but still mild.

Barbara lutz

After receiving my first dose of Moderna Covid vaccine I did good sore arm at injection for a few days then everything seemed fine . Now 8 days after injections site is swollen,red and in size spread overnight from nickel size to the size of a lemon . Called Dr. they put me on Zyrtec and asked me to mark the site site report back to them if it keeps spreading . Hoping for the best rethinking about following through with 2 Nd shot .


Same story here. Received the first Moderna vaccine 1/9. Had a little arm stiffness that and the following day (nothing more than a flu shot would elicit). Everything seemed fine until day #7, when the injection site began to itch and swell, and a red/pink rash developed. The rash has slowly gotten bigger, but has begun to fade. The symptoms seem to be entirely local, no fever or systemic symptoms. Spoke with my doctor who assured me this is an injection-site reaction, and encouraged me to get the second shot. I’m a 43 year-old female.

Gretchen Daukas

10 days after Miderns huge baseball size welt on arm. It is itchy.


I am a 41 year old female and received my first Moderna dose on 1/12. It was sore and after a three days no indication of shot. Now on 1/21 I also have a baseball size lump at the vaccine site that is itchy and hot to the touch. I am going to the dr tomorrow at 8 am. Glad to see overs are having the same reaction t I am concerned bc many people say that the second dose has more severe reactions . Not sure what to do.

ali g

having the same thing with the moderna shot. Developed some small bumps day 8 near the injection site. turned into hive looking bumps which went away. One day later looks like a large red, swollen patch that is a little itchy but hot to the touch.


I had the Pfizer vaccine 1/7 and am still experiencing headaches that land me on the couch. I’ve spoken to Pfizer safety team, they said see your PCP…. thing is it’s all so new and no one really knows. I’m scared to get the second dose next week. I’ve never been a headache person and I’m exhausted.


I also got a tennis ball sized red swelling with rash 8 days after the moderna injection. For those of you with the same side effect, did it eventually go away? How long did it take and what did you do for it? Thanks

Mark DiRomualdo

Exact same thing for me as well! I got the moderna number 1 on january 14, 2021, absolutely NO side effects until 8 days later. Tennis ball….hard, hot, red, and itchy. Hope this goes away. Please report back when yours subsides.


Received my first Moderna dose on 01/15. I had a very sore arm at night and second day. One strange thing is after about 20 min of the injection, suddenly one of my eyes start to see mang tiny tiny dot floating. It is all over the whole one eye vision. It really bothers me. I am not sure if it is because of the vaccine. But it did happen about 20 min after the vaccine. Since Moderna can be storage at -20 degrees which means this RNA might have more Lipid Nanoparticles to stabilize the mRNA. I wonder if the small lipid particles can enter the Aqueous Humor Circulation. One week after the vaccine, the dot becomes light and gradually reduced now.


I greatly appreciate this side-effect tracker. I had my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine 48 hours ago. Within an hour my shoulder felt as if it had been punched hard, and remained extremely sore for 36 hours. Now, two days after the shot, I’ve developed extreme fatigue/exhaustion to the point I’ve been laying down all day. Will update again when things resolve.