Episode 17: 6 Foods That Help – And Hurt – Libido

Episode 17: 6 Foods That Help - And Hurt - Libido
Episode 17: 6 Foods That Help - And Hurt - Libido

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Su Robotti, Founder of MedShadow, and Jonathan Block, Content Manager, discuss how certain foods can increase sexual drive and libido, while others can be a wet blanket. Before planning a romantic dinner, you need to watch this video.

Su Robotti: Hello. I’m Su Robotti, and I’m the founder of MedShadow.

Jonathan Block: I’m Jonathan Block. I’m the content manager here at MedShadow.

SR: Today, Jonathan and I are in the mood for love, but sorry, not for each other. It’s Valentine’s Day approaching rapidly. We had one of our wonderful authors, Tory Rodriguez, research and had done an article for us. You’ll find in our website, but we wanted to talk about it today. What’s the name of the article?

JB: The article is “Six Foods That Can Either Boost or Suppress Your Libido.”

SR: That makes it easy, so now I know what to order for a Valentine’s Day dinner.

JB: Correct.

SR: But the first thing on my list should be chocolate.

JB: And that would actually be one of the items that actually does increase your libido, and it’s obviously something very, very much associated with the holiday. But another item that’s associated with Valentine’s Day that actually isn’t so great for you is alcohol, because obviously, a lot of couples like to go out have a nice dinner. I’m sure when you go out to dinner for dessert, you get something with chocolate, but then you might want some wine or even some champagne. Alcohol is one of the worst things, according to the research that Tory Rodriguez did, in boosting your libido and actually do just the opposite, so you probably want to, if not — I know a lot of people will not avoid alcohol entirely on Valentine’s Day — keep it to a minimum.

SR: Well, I guess no nightcap for me then. I never ever, ever eat pomegranates. I’m one of those — well, I’m not even sure how to eat a pomegranate, but I may have to learn for Valentine’s Day.

JB: You should, because as the advertising says, it’s palm wonderful. It’s one of those super foods. It also happens to be a super food for you in the bedroom as well, very good for increasing the libido. And another item that might be surprising to boost your libido and you’ll find out why it’s surprising, and the second is garlic. And you might think garlic can give you bad breath; it does. But on the other hand, it’s going to make things really spicy in the bedroom according to Tory’s research.

SR: Well, one that — and she also turned up the study that showed that women who were sleeping with men who had eaten garlic that day actually found that their body scented more attractive.

JB: That doesn’t mean that you should go around wearing a thing of garlic around your neck unless you want to ward off vampires.

SR: Now, I married an Italian, so garlic is kind of a daily occurrence in our household, but we also eat a lot of lasagna, and I’ll be skipping that at Valentine’s Day.

JB: Absolutely. Carbs and heavily processed foods, killer for libido, avoid it like the plague.

SR: Killer, well, if it makes you lethargic and sleepy.

JB: Exactly.

SR: Apparently, anything with white rice or heavy carbs — not the thing to have. She didn’t mention turkey, but the tryptophan in turkey, well, that’s a story for another day; it’s that actually does make you sleepy. What’s the last thing? Soy — soy milk, soy products, tofu — none of that is good for you, because it boosts the natural estrogen in your body which is not always a bad thing; it’s actually a good thing. But when it comes to being in the mood for love, testosterone rules. Occasionally, you do find soy in odd things you wouldn’t expect to find it in. Canned tuna — check the contents; it sometimes it’s used as preservative. Power bars will often have it in there, and Tory says — but I had yet to see this — in frozen desserts, so read the labels. And I think that that does wrap it up, so please do look for the article by Tory Rodriguez.

JB: On our website at medshadow.org, and thank you very much for watching.

SR: And happy Valentine’s Day.

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