Ahhhh Chooo! Allergy Medicines … Antihistamines

Ahhhh Chooo! Allergy Medicines ... Antihistamines
Ahhhh Chooo! Allergy Medicines ... Antihistamines

CDC Warning About Allergy Medicines

The CDC has come out with a timely warning about allergy medicines.

Medicines That Contain Antihistamines

Spring is the time for pollen, ragweed dust mites, hay fever and more. Any allergy will cause a stuffy nose, your eyes and nose will run and your eyes will itch. A few lucky people also get hives. Allergy medicines that contain antihistamines can save your day, making it possible to avoid being  sneezy or wheezy.

But … Be aware that antihistamines have a sedative effect. Many antihistamines can make you drowsy, slow to react and feel unfocused.

If you regularly take allergy medicine, don’t assume that all antihistamines are alike. Make sure that you read the package carefully when switching brands or types of medicine. Different antihistamines may have different dosages even if they look the same.

Don’t mix antihistamines with alcohol, tranquilizers or sleep medicines, even if you take them daily. They can increase the sedative in the antihistamines.

The sedative effect of some antihistamines can last longer than the anti-allergy effect — some antihistamines’ sedative effect lasts into the next day!

Just because a lot of people take allergy medicines daily, don’t underestimate the power of the sedative. Read the package and leave the driving to someone else.


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