12 Times Simone Gold and the Frontline Doctors Misled You About the COVID-19 Vaccine

12 Times Simone Gold and the Frontline Doctors Misled You About the COVID-19 Vaccine
12 Times Simone Gold and the Frontline Doctors Misled You About the COVID-19 Vaccine

Like you, I’ve heard a lot about the Frontline Doctors organization that materialized, seemingly, out of nowhere to stand on the Supreme Court steps in July and declare that much of the COVID-19 information that the CDC (Centers for Disease Prevention and Treatment), the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and individual state authorities were giving out was a lie.

While garnering headlines, the Frontline Doctors produced its breakout star, emergency room physician and attorney Simone Gold, MD. Because a good friend asked my opinion of Gold’s recent video, I spent an hour watching her YouTube lecture. Although the video has been taken down from YouTube for “violating our terms of service,” I was easily able to find the re-post by searching “Simone Gold.” The same video, now titled, “Video 1,” is the fourth video down from the top. If the link in this paragraph doesn’t yield you the right YouTube video, keep looking.

During the video, Gold spent the first part delving into why COVID-19 should be named “Wuhan” or some other name linking the virus to China. That’s a political debate, not a medical one. I fast-forwarded from there and listened to her 10 minutes on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and 40 minutes deriding the science behind the mRNA vaccines — the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines now being given to Americans. 

An engaging speaker, Gold argued in support of HCQ and against the COVID-19 vaccines. Her arguments sounded “good,” except that she and the Frontline Doctors leave out a lot of critical information. Everything Gold said was technically “true,” but it was woefully incomplete. Really, she was telling lies of omission by cherry-picking information, using old data when newer, better data is available, and raising questions to cast doubt, when those questions have already been answered sufficiently. 

Our health and lives deserve the complete story, so I’ve gone through the points Gold makes in the video to show how she has woven true and false information to mislead viewers. Below, I’ve lined up 12 of her arguments against the facts. 

1. The Safety of HCQ

Minute 5:11

The first clue that Gold was choosing to offer only one set of information was her focus on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). There are a LOT of other low-cost well-known drugs and therapies that are much safer than HCQ and demonstrably lower the death rate for COVID-19. Why is Gold only suggesting HCQ as a cure? 

Gold claims that HCQ is “common, ordinary, safe.” It is not. Among the adverse events (AE) that HCQ can cause are fatal heart problems, suicidal behavior, severe psoriasis outbreaks and chloroquine-resistant malaria. 

HCQ should only be administered in a hospital setting, so that trained personnel can address any heart problems. Taking it can slow the heartbeat, a condition called elongated QT that can lead to heart failure in up to 30% of patients. 

Gold explained that she, herself, took HCQ 20 years ago on a trip to a malaria-infected country. About taking HCQ she said, “It was a big, fat nothing burger.” Gold claims that HCQ is given freely to US troops and travelers, which is out of date. HCQ is now only used in acute cases for one type of malaria, and, in general, is no longer used to prevent or treat malaria. 

For prevention of malaria, UpToDate.com suggests that there are very few destinations in the world where the malaria parasite is still sensitive to chloroquine. In other regions, travelers will likely need drugs like atovaquone-proguanil or tafenoquine. Mefloquine and doxycycline. UpToDate.com is a prescribing resource used by doctors in clinical settings, such as hospitals and medical offices, for evidence-based summaries on drugs.

To “prove” the drug is safe, Gold notes that those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and similar diseases have, when needed, taken it for long periods. That’s true. However, HCQ is not the first choice of drug for RA due to its side effects. Safer drugs like methotrexate or similar DMARD (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs) are recommended first. When first-line drugs are ineffective for RA patients, the risk of HCQ’s side effects in those cases outweighs the benefits. 

2. Yes, a study on HCQ was withdrawn

To justify that HCQ is safe, Gold recounted the findings of a study in The Lancet, the prestigious British medical journal, which was later withdrawn. The study revealed that it is dangerous to treat COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine. Just because the study was retracted doesn’t necessarily mean its findings are incorrect; it means that the data to support that conclusion were flawed. 

“It needs to be emphasized that despite this article’s retraction, there is still no good evidence that hydroxychloroquine is effective for COVID-19,” noted Ian Musgrave, PhD, a senior lecturer in pharmacology at the University of Adelaide in Australia. 

When the FDA announced it was revoking the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), it referenced the UK’s RECOVERY trial, which is still testing several different treatments. The study found that in its hydroxychloroquine test group, which enrolled 4,674 hospitalized patients, there was no difference in mortality between those on hydroxychloroquine and those on standard care, nor was there any benefit in the hydroxychloroquine group for a shorter hospital stay or other outcomes, such as reduced ventilator use. 

MedShadow has published several articles on the dangers of using HCQ to treat COVID-19.

Further, the majority of studies show that HCQ does not work in curing or preventing COVID-19. Because there are always outlying studies, science conducts multiple ones. Looking at the totality, it is reasonable to conclude that HCQ is probably not the cure. 

3. Why don’t we have vaccinations for other coronaviruses?

Minute 24:20

Gold says that researchers “failed” in creating vaccines for previous coronaviruses like SARS and MERS. “They can’t do it safely,” she says, and adds that AIDS doesn’t have a vaccine either (Minute 25:01). That’s largely false. In every case, except AIDS, vaccines were deemed unnecessary because the disease can be controlled. 

For both SARS (COV-1) and MERS (MERS-CoV), it’s possible to isolate patients and prevent larger outbreaks because they are not contagious until symptoms appear. Vaccination research was abandoned on these two diseases because vaccines are not needed and no one would pay for the development. 

Unfortunately, COVID-19 patients are contagious long before becoming symptomatic. Even more difficult, some people get infected with COVID-19 and have such mild symptoms (or even no symptoms) and spread COVID-19 without knowing it. Therefore, isolating the sick is too little,  too late.  

As for AIDS, scientists have been working on a vaccine for the disease for decades, but AIDS has very little in common with SARS CoV-1, MERS or SARS-CoV-2. 

4. Were there animal studies? 

Minute 25:28

Gold claims that the COVID-19 vaccines were never tested in animals. which, if true, would be concerning. Fortunately for us, her claim is false. A simple Google search of “are there any animal studies for COVID-19 vaccine?” found published animal studies in Nature.comCell Journal and at the NIH and was reported in FierceBiotech.com.

5. Gold claims that mRNA is brand-new technology. It is not

Minute 23:52

I, too, was very skeptical of  the vaccine until I learned about the role of mRNA in the body, Recently, I read the long history of research into creating mRNA vaccines (much of the work done in response to MERS and SARS, but ultimately it was not needed). Then I found out about the role of mRNA in the body that the vaccine uses, in part by listening to an enlightening podcast by Sanja Gupta, an amazing medical communicator, writer and neurosurgeon. 

mRNA has been studied for several decades, and efforts to use it as a vaccine have been the holy grail for some time. A regular vaccine generally releases a very weak or dead virus, or pieces of it, to trigger the immune system so that it can gear up quickly when it reappears in nature. Isolating and inactivating a virus is a slow process, like 10-plus-years slow. 

Just like that but completely different: mRNA, which can be made quickly, carries a message to our cells to create the specific “spike” proteins found on the COVID-19 virus (not the entire virus), so that the immune system will kick in and then recognize it when exposed again in nature. 

6. ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) 

Minutes 25:50 and 33:54

Gold defined antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) as a process where, instead of giving protection from COVID-19, an ADE response to the vaccine can “cause an overreaction in a negative way if exposed to the virus.” She claims that during the development of the SARS COV-1 vaccine, ferrets received two vaccine doses (as is the protocol for COVID-19) and they were fine. “Later,” she adds, “they were exposed to SARS Cov-1 in the wild, and they died. That’s why the SARS COV-1 vaccine never came to market.” Patently untrue. See: Why do we not have vaccinations for other coronavirus vaccinations? (above)

ADE is a well-known medical  issue (as Gold said), and one that vaccine manufacturers have taken steps to prevent. Below is a paragraph from a Science article that explains the protections that both Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines have put in place. Essentially, it explains that because the ADE phenomenon is much more likely to occur after the protein binds to cells, it makes sure human bodies would build the protein in such a way that it would not bind to their cells.

“This has been why we’ve seen so many vaccines taking care to put the ‘spike’ protein into its ‘prefusion’ conformation.’ The worry has been that if antibodies are generated after it’s had a chance to bind to human cells, that gives you a better chance for non-neutralizing ones (and thus potentially a better chance for ADE). And you’ll have noticed the emphasis on neutralizing antibody titers along the way as well – that would have been there anyway, but a high proportion of outright neutralizing antibodies is also a safeguard against antibody-driven enhancement of disease.” 

7. Does the vaccine cause fertility problems for women?  

Minute 27:50

Pregnant women were not included in the study group, so we have no idea how the vaccine affects them or the developing fetus, or whether the disease affects the fetus. Further, no one is creating a cohort of babies born in the pandemic or vaccinated world, so we won’t know if there are any unanticipated adverse events for the fetuses years later. 

Gold talks about the syncytiotrophoblast cell in the placenta, claiming that active infection with COVID-19 interferes with the formation of this part of the placenta. Syncytiotrophoblast is the outer covering of the placental wall, into which the fertilized egg embeds for nutrition. 

Gold concludes by floating the idea that it’s possible the vaccine could trick the placenta into thinking it’s got COVID, which always leads to infertility. “You don’t know what you don’t know,” she says. As doctors, the Frontline Doctors, should know the placenta is an organ that the uterus grows when a woman is pregnant. When there’s no pregnancy, there is no placenta to trick.

Her theory that the COVID-19 vaccination will render women infertile has been debunked in several places. Here’s a link to an interesting podcast that was even understandable to a non-science major like me on The ZDoggMD Show (yes, it’s a terrible name, but he’s really good).

Gold states the Frontline Doctors “feels very strongly that (women under age 50) can not even be offered this” vaccine. Boston Children’s Hospital published an article about pregnancy and COVID-19. The article notes:

“Evidence has shown that pregnancy is a risk factor for severe illness in women with COVID-19. A recent CDC study reviewed case reports of approximately 400,000 women aged 15 to 44 with symptomatic COVID-19. Those who were pregnant had a roughly tripled likelihood of ICU admission and invasive ventilation and 70%higher mortality.

“Yet, their newborns are mostly doing well. Reports indicate that babies born to COVID-19-infected mothers are infected only about 5% of the time. Moreover, most of those who test positive have mild or asymptomatic infections, rarely needing mechanical ventilation.”

8. Can you sue if you’re harmed by the vaccine?

Minute 30:27 

It is true that “pharmaceutical companies have liability immunity for COVID-19 vaccinations,” however, Gold failed to point out that this is true for all standard vaccinations in the US. We are already seeing reports of severe allergic reactions and AEs, which can happen with all vaccinations. Because of the risk of unlimited liability that can happen in US courts, in the 1980s, manufacturers stopped making such vaccines against polio, rabies and tetanus. They make so little profit on them, the thinking is why should the pharmaceutical companies take on the risk of being sued? 

To get companies to continue making them, the US created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Panel. If you have an AE, file your complaint with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). 

The Atlantic published an excellent article on the US VICP before COVID-19 became an issue. 

9. Gold: “The COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t stop the transmission of COVID-19.”

Minute 31:30

The data absolutely showed a much lower incidence of getting symptomatic COVID-19 after having had the vaccine. A HUGE flaw in the studies on both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines was that participants were only tested if they showed symptoms, so we can’t definitively say if the vaccine prevents people from transmitting the disease or only suppresses the symptoms. 

But the data from both trials show that the vaccinated get COVID-19 at a much lower rate and have many fewer severe cases. The vaccine does give you protection from the illness. 

10. Black population targeted as high priority for vaccination 

Gold claims to be offended that vaccinating Blacks is a high priority. She says that “we know” who gets and dies from COVID — the elderly, nursing home residents and those with 2.6 or more of the known comorbidities. She positions the government directive to give priority to Blacks as racist, but Gold neglects to report that Blacks as a group die 2.8 times more frequently than whites (hospitalized 4 times more), Hispanics 2.6 times and American Indians 2.4 times. 

11. V-safe tracking system 

Gold is against the V-safe tracking system, but not for the reason I thought. My guess was that she would have objected to the government tracking citizens. Instead, it’s that being tracked for your response to the vaccine means you’re in a clinical trial. DUH!! Isn’t that what she had been saying for the entire hour in the video? 

We don’t know all we want and need to know about side effects or efficacy of these two vaccines, so if you get either vaccine, FOR GOD’S SAKE, SIGN UP FOR THE TRACKING. This is how the NIH/FDA knows if there are adverse events. This is how you can be alerted if there is breakthrough info on the vaccination you got. 

BTW, she says the tracking is for two years for the public at large. That’s not right; it’s for six months. Those actually in the official trial get tracked for two years by drugmakers Pfizer or Moderna. She also says you “get signed up” automatically, but that’s false, too. . You have to choose to sign up for it. My own internist got the shot and didn’t sign up. 

12. Not in the video, but notable 

Simone Gold was also one of the people who stormed the Capital. A graduate of Stanford University Law School, she has been quoted as saying she didn’t know it was illegal. That stretches my ability to believe her or to be sympathetic. She had to know it was breaking the law, and she needs to own it. 

The US Department of Justice charged Gold with entering a restricted building or grounds, violent entry and disorderly conduct.

So Gold is not your basic doctor who interrupted her career because she is shocked by irregularities in the healthcare system. Disruption is what she does; it is her career. She is deeply embedded in groups that create a miasma of fear and distrust of our national systems. 

The COVID-19 vaccinations were definitely rushed to market. There are many more questions we deserve the answers to before inoculation. But in a risk-benefit analysis, the US government made the determination to accept the risk in exchange for the overwhelming benefits amid an ongoing pandemic. You make your own decision. 

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Pamela Vargo

1. Do any pub med search on HCQ and filter prior to 2020 (thus filtering out the political covid 19 controversy of the drug) and find hundreds of Journal articles dating back to 1946, all which pinpoint the extensive use and general safety of HCQ, including use by pregnant woman. Extensive long term use being the point in which concern for the rare occurrence of retinopathy and other complication exists. So why was it banned? Studies showed that providing it early on or as a prophylaxis was beneficial. Why was it banned rather than allowing Dr.s to choose for themselves?
2. Data to support the study’s conclusion in the Lancet article was flawed??? That is the gold standard of being discredited. It means you can’t believe or trust the article period.
3. SARS Vaccine research was NOT abandoned. This is an absurd lie. – Again do your own research go to pub med type in SARS Vaccine and filter back to 2019 – prior to covid 19 and see hundreds of article regarding the effort to design a vaccine.
4. There were No long term Animal studies which was the original question postulated. BTW the first link above in bullet 4 takes us to an article from 2018.
5. I agree 100% that mRNA technology has been around for about 20 years, its just never been deemed safe for human injection until now.
6. and 8. I agree that all the continuing research on SARs-CoV (the research that this author says was abandoned) has been trying to address the ADE issues and have likely allowed for the elimination of these issues, but only long term results will tell at this point. Since this is an authorized vaccine and not yet a licensed vaccine, there is no long term data and thus it isn’t known whether long term negative side effects can or will occur. The vaccine will however generate (a published ) estimate of $220 Billion if it is distributed quickly before herd immunity is achieved.
7. I haven’t researched this topic mostly because there is no published data. It hasn’t been formally studied
9. “Currently, we do not have enough data to be able to say with confidence that the vaccines can prevent transmission,” Fauci said in a tweet during an online Q&A session. “So even if vaccinated, you may still be able to spread the virus to vulnerable people.”Feb 4, 2021; “The guidance says the risk that fully vaccinated people could spread the coronavirus, to others is “still uncertain.” However, “vaccination has been demonstrated to prevent symptomatic Covid-19”. Reported by NBC new on Feb 10. It used to be that Asymptomatic cases were fueling the spread of the disease. Now, according to the Feb10. Article, since fully vaccinated people can have the disease and be asymptomatic, the new concept is that asymptomatic people don’t spread the disease. My point? The “facts” change regularly.

My over all point is that each person needs to consider their own personal risk. To take a vaccine that is approved but not licensed is a risk for certain. It may or may not outweigh the risk of the disease. Each person should do some personal research. look at the survival rates, consider your own current state of health. Consider who is benefiting financially or otherwise when they provide information.

Cristian Nunez

This fact check seems very biased, I advise anyone reading it to go watch her video. The fact check also fails to address many other points she has made, which leads me to believe they are definitely true. This fact check basically is confirming everything she said, it appears you have tried to pick apart her wording; but reality sets in and you are not actually disproving anything rather just throwing out random “facts”.


Wow such a badly written article filled with nonsense. Double edged sword in almost every sentence. My favorite – It is true that “pharmaceutical companies have liability immunity for COVID-19 vaccinations,” however, Gold failed to point out that this is true for all standard vaccinations in the US. We are already seeing reports of severe allergic reactions and AEs, which can happen with all vaccinations. Because of the risk of unlimited liability that can happen in US courts, in the 1980s, manufacturers stopped making such vaccines against polio, rabies and tetanus. They make so little profit on them, the thinking is why should the pharmaceutical companies take on the risk of being sued? Too big to fail (the mantra – so little profits – oh yeah – they spend the majority of their profits advertising the endless drugs with endless side effects you now see on TV.

Mom Trying to make a good choice

I was forwarded a youtube video of Dr. Lee Merritt being interviewed on the New American. My friends are afraid to get the vaccine based on what this doctor says. I dug around and found out she’s affiliated on some level with the “America’s Frontline Doctors” group and then I found this article. Thank you for your work in stating clear facts about the CoVid vaccine in rebuttal to Dr. Gold’s speech. I haven’t seen that speech, but I think the video from Merritt was similarly conspiratorial in nature.


Thanks for posting this. There are numerous videos from these “Frontline Doctors” (who I have a feeling have never actually worked in an ER in their life or on any infectious disease mitigation). The sad part is many people are sharing their videos and are now petrified of getting the jab. They continue to spread disinformation, which, could potentially lead to people dying if they refuse to get vaccinated when able. It is very concerning. Thank you again for posting this video. I’m going to share this on social media!

dolores plamondon

I watched the ” Frontline Doctors” and it sounded good – I really did not want to take the vaccine ! I’ 85 yrs old— and disabled. Decided to go with ” talk to one of the doctors” So I filled out all the info. and sent them $95.00 !!
waited and waited for the phone call , that never came. I kept sending E-mails, and a woman called and said they had tried to call me, and asked for the # again- she said she would take care of it, some times messages did not get through, like a new system. I wrote again and said GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK ! Still no calls !
So I bought into a scam ????? ON SSI and $95-or 90. is not chunk change around here !! DAMN !!!!

Tony Iavarone

Ah, I don’t know enough about Dr. Gold to pass judgment on medical skills or knowledge. That said I agree with most of Robotti’s analysis of the vaccine – which we all know carries with it some risk. So we’ll all have to weigh the risk-benefit equation for ourselves. As far as Gold’s political activities, I’m wondering how a practicing doctor would find the time to protest anything…not to say that she is not entitled to peaceful protest. Then again, 535 people in the Government House are appalled that a mob could overrun the Capital Building — but virtually said NOTHING when cities were being taken over, burned to the ground and police stations were trashed and burned. So, the politicians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. I do disagree with Robotti’s , to conclude that because she attended law school was entertaining. The same could be said about Hillary Clinton and her inability to determine what constitutes “classified” information when she was in the obama cabinet…Just say’n


I stopped reading after your fallacy that HCQ is dangerous. HCQ has been used for decades with no problems for people with lupus. It is not dangerous. It is regularly used in Africa for malaria. I took it and had no problems whatsoever. The antibiotic was worse!
By the way, are you a doctor?

Bret Lan

I will not be part of the international testing of the shot. It is not a vaccine. And the way the world is wearing masks, ALL of the medical field know that they are useless. Re-using our fashionable masks, or hanging them on our rear view mirrors for months on end – – DO NOTHING. We flattened the curve and then got REALLY stupid about all of the science. It was first a political game, and now politicians are trying to find the best end game that makes them look good. Let’s get these stupid masks off, get back to school, and back to spending our money on cancer research.

Carlos Aceves

Where i live, county employees have been mandated to get vaccinated. The same for federal security employees. What do you mean there is no mandate?


No vaccine has ever been “mandatory”. That would be mean you could be forced to take it. The county is not , technically, forcing anybody to get the vaccine since you are not forced to work for the county. You can refuse the vaccine and look for another job, right?


Although the article may have some varied points, I don’t trust the author for the same reasons the author states she does not trust Gold. Judging a physician based on political beliefs or affiliation demonstrates bias. The events of 1/6/21 are still under investigation and I highly doubt the author has been subjected to suppression as her opinions align with a political party.

Alex Williams

Nothing in this article convinced me that these physicians are out to spread misinformation. I mean, what would the goal in that be? The authors bias, however, is clear as can be. Discredit anyone that has conservative views. There wasn’t time for long term animal studies, and the stance on placenta-pregnancy issues is lacking true data as well. As many articles as I see trying to quash every differing view from Democrat “truths” makes me anticipate further information as time will begin to reveal actual verifiable results.

Edison Frisbee

This is what you call a “hit piece”….

Diane G Diehl

Question. If statistics still same 80% mild 4% severe and .023 deaths of which 65 plus group then why vaccinated 100% population? Reason: FDA vaccines emergency approval which means no one knows long term safety. To state they are safe is wrong and misleading. Better to state we all guinea pigs. Some may get long term negative impact but we do not know today. Also with vaccines why not also promote effective nasal sprays Israel developing and ivermectin? Why not suggest preventative drugs and vaccines?

Momchil Andonov

An arrogant lie was that the mortality rate of Covid is low but somehow you didn’t pick on that in this article! It has a lot higher than the ordinary flu. Well the fact is it’s quite high and with the mutations younger people are more likely to be symptomatic.


This is an obviously skewed piece written by an untrustworthy writer.. Fortunately, millions of people know the truth and will not be fooled anymore.

Frank Lee Doobyus

Robotti’s MedShadow “hit piece” on Dr. Simone Gold is just another biased, pseudo-scientific opinion article
As Pamerla Vargo points out in her very well-crafted defense of the individual’s right to choose whether to get vaccinated or not, Robotti’s attempts to besmirch Dr. Gold are based mostly on “cherry-picking” data that supports her argument and ignoring the huge amount of scientific and clinical, real world data that supports Dr. Gold’s position that the vaccines are “experimental” and must not be forced onto anyone!
Every one of us has an opinion about whether to be vaccinated for COVID-19 or not.
Each person gets to do their own research, consult with the doctors, and make their own choice. That’s their right.
But one person does NOT get to dictate to others what their choice must be! Not in this country …. yet.
Many of the comments to this article drift into the real of “political opinion” and base their arguments and their “attacks” on other commenters on personal opinion and bias. That’s not a rational reason to follow anyone’s advice.
The politicians and “leaders” have gotten this almost completely wrong from the beginning, all the while pretending that they are “in control!” We’d all be better served by such “leaders” if they “controlled” their own mouths and unconstitutional dictatorial edicts and stopped treating the people who put them into office like mindless, incapable idiots.
The only true “idiots” in this crowd are the “sheeple” who try to dictate the choice to others.
You make your choice.
Everyone else gets to make theirs.
Put a sock in it.

Andrew Pratt

Suzzane, one can clearly see how leftists love to marginalize people who stand up for the truth. Hundreds of thousands of people attended the rally at the capital on January 6th and were peace-loving and did not cause any damage or entered the capitol building. Many people were charged simply as part of the political campaign to disenfranchise and marginalize conservatives. There is no basis as to Dr. Gold being involved in any violent activity. We have seen thousands demonstrate, destroy buildings kill police over the last year in several cities and they are not charged or when picked up simply let go. Let’s stop with the rhetoric and reinforcing a vaccine that is experimental and shows little evidence of its effectiveness or long-term effects of those taking it.
Your response was entirely negative and bias. Sad. She is willing to stand for righteousness and should be applauded for it. Are you willing to do that or simply throw stones.

No Reply

wow – what a con job. at first i thought maybe something here. but on closer look it is criminal. “stormed the whitehouse’ yeah, naked and with a macheti right? claim – doesn’t stop transmission rebuttal – it reduces symptoms in the vaccinated (maybe) Same thing!!! Conclusion: Issue Vaccine passports so we can quarantine the bio-hazzard.

Beverly Johnson

Why no mention of ivermectin? Most of the video watched was concerning ivermectin.


I’d say reading this was a waste of my time, but it actually helped reinforce my beliefs against the vaccine.


Well, you sure drew the crazies out.


Your work has many gaps. For starters, the research lacking is on the long-term effects. It is simply not there despite the technology being studied and realized. Let’s face it the data collected by the vaccinations is the data they are going to use and with Phizer reporting a 3.5 billion dollar earning from the vaccine I will always question the truth. Finally, your info on HCQ has been debunked. HCQ has been around for 60+ years with literally millions taking the medicine. HCQ with Zn and antibx has shown to decrease COVID 19 hospitalizations and complications- and cost $25. per treatment protocol- do you get it?

Carol J

If there are ” a LOT of other low-cost well-known drugs and therapies that are much safer than HCQ and demonstrably lower the death rate for COVID-19, why has the public not been informed of their existence and offered these as options for treatment?

demetrious eugenios

The people in charge are censoring what dr. ford has to say…that fact says all one needs to know about the integrity and motives of those who condone the violation of civil rights.

Steve Mullins

Dear Ms. Robotti, then please make SURE you take both shots and in a year or less, we’ll see how you feel, and do administer it to any children in your care. You totally left out the huge numbers of adverse events, including unexpected miscarriage and death, as under reported by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, which is well known to under report about 10% of total events. Surely you do not dispute that the shots have failed the animal trials for 20 years. Your simple claims to the contrary do not make it so.

O. P. Akins

Ms. Robotti, I appreciate some of what you had to say, but I had to smile at your inaccuracies regarding. HCQ. As someone who grew up in the tropics, HCQ was a relatively safe drug we took as kids and adults without these exaggerated claims you made. Firstly, the doses given to covid patients were 5-6 x normal doses for malaria and rheumatological diseases so DUH, what do you expect . Try giving already critically sick patient 5 x the dose of Tylenol or Motrin and tell how they would fare. Do not even get me started on surgisphere scandal or the deliberate inertia of the NIH to simultaneously recruit patients for cheaper repurposed drugs. If not for the Brits who were willing to go ahead with the RECOVERY trial with steroids when our American doctors declared they do not work, many more patients in this country would have died. I know this because I was one the physicians in the hospital treating these patients.

The Moderna and Pfizer studies were seriously flawed. That we can agree. They were or are supposed to end late 2022 so we are essentially running phase 3 or 4 trial in the name of EAU. Also , I hope you understand the concept of relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction before start going on about efficacy of vaccines . Approximately 85 people have to take the Moderna vaccine for one person to benefit ,while approximately 118 people have to take the Pfizer shot for 1 person to benefit. I do believe each person should do personal risk vs benefit analysis before taking any medication.

Things are not helped these CDC shenanigans

William Bozmann

Just read all of these and almost everyone is totally against you Ms. Robotti. This is a sad way to make a living as a writer. You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow up and get a heart!


Do you have a background in medicine? I found your statement, “I, too, was very skeptical of the vaccine until I learned about the role of mRNA in the body” slightly disheartening. I’m guessing that means your vast amounts of expertise on the subject actually boils down to you reading some government published articles, a few scientific journals, and maybe even a medical textbook or two over the last few months at best? Now you claim to know better than, not just one, but a team of very experienced board certified Emergency doctors? These Doctors actually took care of COVID-19 + patients… how many patients have you treated for COVID vs the alarming # of patients we are now seeing that have life threatening disease processes that they should have ZERO risk factors for? My guess is you’ve never laid a hand on a actual sick person in your life. You have some ego. Nothing you said disproves Americans Frontline Doctors.


The jabs are not vaccines and never will be, hence they will never achieve the status for an FDA approval. Gene Therapy that will contribute to you losing your mind and other illnesses. Dementia running out of control in just a few years as outline by the president yesterday, this not disclosed to the public due to the prionic accumulations in a human brain from the cocktails of the Jab. These monsters in the realm of Fauci are criminals and require prosecution and public hangings for the diabolical nature and results of their work to control human populations on our planet.


Wow. I am a few paragraphs in and find that you present statistics as facts from medical reports that are not even peer reviewed and therefore cannot be authenticated.

So you’re choosing, as a NON-MEDICAL “healthy skeptic” to present information that is not authenticated and that you have no formal training or experience with. So…. yea you’re the one I’ll go with.

Ridiculous and shameful. This is poorly researched and lazy “journalism,” as is often the case today. Maybe it got better later in the article but this first unauthenticated and wildly fear inducing incorrect conclusion derived from the link to the hydroxy report is enough for me.

It is clear this person is either paid to discredit and/or doesn’t care much about ethics or accuracy in their work.


However since the publication of this article, VAERS is now showing disturbing amounts of data on vaccinated deaths. The staggering amount of fully vaccinated people who have died in one month is higher than 15 years of ALL vaccine related deaths! Now isn’t that a head scratcher. I personally now have friends who were healthy up until being vaccinated, now are having major health issues and a few have died! Shameful all of this coercion and fear mongering to make people go get this “vaccine”. I myself have gotten the vaccines as a child, my hepatitis vaccines so I am not anti-vax. Now hear me clearly I am anti stupidity! These so-called vaccines I do not believe are what they say they are. Not when you have a few friends who are healthy, ate well, exercise regularly and we’re under the age of 40 die just a few days after receiving the jab! That gives me a bad taste in my mouth. How dare all these officials or what I should say so-called officials, celebrities and fear driven people for promoting constantly incessantly pushing this injectable on the masses is utterly disgraceful, harmful, misleading and irrehensible! When all is said and done they better face jail time, because they were judged jury and executioner of my friends.

Gary Chaffee

Wow Suzanne, I am staying with AFLDS because I find them to be much more credible than you!!!


The claim:
“9. Gold: “The COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t stop the transmission of COVID-19.”

The attempted rebuttal:
“The data absolutely showed a much lower incidence of getting symptomatic COVID-19 after having had the vaccine.”

Doesn’t address the claim.

“we can’t definitively say if the vaccine prevents people from transmitting the disease ”

Admits neither you nor anyone can disprove the claim.

Keep trying to feed us nonsense though. 👍🏾


Jesus Christ what a hit job. How about listening to the Doctor who INVENTED mRNA for vaccine delivery and his take of TREATMENT for covid.


Jose Gutierrez

Thank you dr. Now for sure I will not get injected.


muh get paid to slander people and defame lost soul

Cardiologist for Kids

Disgrace – either ill-informed or maliciously endangering the population with this unsupported slander against a group of medical professionals who are urging caution over panic propaganda. Why don’t you step up now and take moral and financial responsibility for the families that have lost loved ones or have been negatively physically or medically impacted from the jab due to lack of research available to the public. You should be ashamed; not only having posted your erroneous opinion, but that you have not redacted or corrected your false attacks.

El Chingon

You are lying to the public. Frontline Doctors are the only ones I trust these days. If you don’t want to have the cure/prevention, then don’t use it. Go get the vaccine and enjoy the last 2-3 years of your life. Me, I will continue to take HCQ. I will continue to be healthy and I will continue to take advantage of all the benefits of HCQ. As for January 6th, the only group to storm the Capitol, was ANTIFA/BLM. Not much of a storm since police officers motioned them in and showed them were to go, and then made sure that they agreed not to destroy anything. One day soon you are going to realize that you have been a sheep… One day soon you are going to are completely wrong. And, one day, you are going to have to atone for your sins.

John Doe

You are full of biased information. Ivermectin has been proven to be safe and effective. And I myself know 10 coworkers with severe vaccine adverse reactions, including 1 death, 1 stroke, 1 kidney failure, 1 chronic rash, 1 swollen legs, and 5 chronic joint pain sufferers. This is among my 600 coworkers, whom not one of them died of Covid. The vaccine is more dangerous than covid unless you are over 80 years old.

SL Simmons

All this a side, I must say I have a list of family and friends affected very negatively by this vaccine to include a couple deaths. If I compare it to family and friends who got Covid and were sick for a little while and moved. I will take my chances. In addition, the odds of dying or having long term issues from the vaccine are much greater.


all bullshit. people are dying and very sick. tel the truth


Liar. Yr the person peddling lies, ppl are waking up to yr hoax. We know everything behind it, yr on their salary payroll. Piss off with yr crap


People are waking up to your fear mongering and lies the “vaccine” is poison


Wow, this article is full of misinformation. Your comments about the safety of HCQ are completely false. In 2014, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. My rheumatologist gave me different drug options to control my disease. The safest drug, per my rheumatologist, was HCQ, the ONLY side effect I was told to look for was eye damage. HCQ is not administered in a hospital setting, so that trained personnel can “address any heart problems”. It is a prescribed drug. I took HCQ for 4 years, 400 mg a day and never had any heart problems, suicidal behavior, or severe psoriasis outbreaks.
It is July 2, 2021, what do you have to say about all the new information about the origin of the virus and the adverse side effects of the “vaccine”?
I would like to know where you received your medical training?


What a bunch of crap – who paid you to write this garbage? Fauci, Moderna, who? This is misinformation. I wonder what happens to those who contribute to crimes against humanity? I think history was unfavorable to people to did that. And who has ever heard of MedShadow?!?! Sounds very dark, demonish to me… If you’d like, I’ll give you my extra shots, I’ll make popcorn for your ADE reaction, possibly as early as this winter.

Janey Macdonald

Ms Robotti is the consumer representative on the FDA’s Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee.


“The US Department of Justice charged Gold with entering a restricted building or grounds, violent entry and disorderly conduct.”
It is a lie that she entered with “violent entry”. She was peaceful. This article was designed to denigrate a courageous woman.


Just look at the VAERS government safety reports. ABout 5,000 people have died shortly after having the vaccine. I directly know a doctor who gave these mRNAvaccines at a community clinic and a 70 year old man died of bloot clots within in one week. Don’t sugar coat it. These vaccines are in EXPERIMENTAL stage and have not been fully approved. I also am aware of people who developed heart inflammation.

Last edited 3 years ago by Flaptop