Quick Hits: Warfarin May Lower Cancer Risk & More

Warfarin May Lower Cancer Risk
Warfarin May Lower Cancer Risk

Quick Hits: People over 50 who take the blood thinner warfarin may have a lower risk of developing cancer.Researchers from the University of Bergen, Norway, looked at the medical records of around 93,000 people taking the drug and compared them with with more than 1.1 million people not taking warfarin (Coumadin). They found that those taking warfarin tended to have a reduced risk of any type of cancer, including prostate, lung and breast cancer, the 3 most common types. Posted November 6, 2017. Via JAMA.

Quick Hits: Researchers in London have used “Big Data” to identify the risk of radiation side effects among men with prostate cancer. The research team looked at more than 700 men given radiotherapy — also known as radiation therapy — to treat their prostate cancer, and analyzed their genetics, medical history and treatment. After compiling all of the data from decades of research, researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research found that radiation therapy is associated with bowel, urinary and sexual dysfunction. The team hopes Big Data can be used to personalize radiotherapy for patients based on this risk, which may not only boost chances of finding a cure, but also minimize side effects. Posted November 6, 2017. Via NCRI Cancer Conference Abstracts.

Quick Hits: Valeant Pharmaceuticals will be selling its women’s sexual health division— Sprout Pharmaceuticals, Inc. — back it to its former owners after acquiring it for $1 billion 2 years ago. The return follows an unsuccessful launch of the main drug, Addyi (flibanserin), more commonly known as “female Viagra.” Addyi’s high price tag and apparent lack of efficacy may have played a role in its failure. Posted November 6, 2017. Via Valeant.

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