Finding Your Own Path to Health

Finding Your Own Path to Health
Finding Your Own Path to Health

By taking responsibility for his health, Picaut eliminated disease and chronic illness. Will it work for you? You’ll have to find your own path.

I don’t have bronchiectasis. By the end of reading  Beating Bronchiectasis, I still didn’t have a clear understanding of it, only that it is a progressive disease that damages lungs to the point of death. None of that matters because Beating Bronchiectasis is not about the disease, it’s about the path to cure and health.

Daniel Picaut’s body had not responded to any of the medicines available. He was sent home with the advice to “not get sick,” because it would hasten the progress of lung damage. Picaut didn’t waste time on denial. He reached out to his internist, then a naturopath, then a Chinese herbalist and so on. Based on their advice, Picaut created a daily master plan to “promote an environment and a lifestyle that helps the body do its best” as he put it. It involved supplements from the herbalist (all approved by his internist), using a nebulizer, using a breath flow meter, using nasal lavage (nasal irrigation, flushing water through the sinus cavities to clear out mucus).

The part of his master health plan that so impressed me was the part that we could all do: 64 ounces of water a day, 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, 30 minutes of cardio, 5 small meals a day and sleeping 8 – 12 hours a night.

He went from gasping for air to full energy and health in a year. His lifelong asthma disappeared. The scars and damage to his lungs from the bronchiectasis healed on their own.

This is not the first book that I’ve reviewed that demonstrates the power of allowing the body to heal itself. But this is the book that actually changed how I live my life. I do a lot of good things for my health, but I skimp on inconvenient ones. But Picaut’s book caused me to wonder why was I putting up with chronic tiredness, anxiety and a high level of motion sickness? For the past 3 weeks I’ve started going to bed an hour earlier (I’m LOVING 8+ hours of sleep!), I get cardio every day instead of 2x a week. I used nasal irrigation when I was last congested. Totally gross, but what a great feeling after!

I should acknowledge that I met Dan 20+ years ago, he and my husband are in the same type of business. I picked up Beating Bronchiectasis as a courtesy and couldn’t put it down. I found it inspiring. Congratulations, Dan, on your good health!

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