Quick Hits: FluMist Less Effective Than Shots & More


Quick Hits: The nasal spray vaccine FluMist has proven to be considerably less effective than shots, according to research published in the journal Pediatrics this week. Researchers based their findings on data collected from 17,000 children ages 2 to 17, and results were consistent with research published outside the US. Because the nasal spray delivery method is so much easier for children, pediatricians had hoped FluMist, or live attenuated influenza vaccine, would provide protection equivalent to the flu shot. Results showed that the injection had a 67% efficiency, while FluMist had only a 20% efficiency. Published January 7, 2019. Via Medpage Today.

Quick Hits: A British study to assess the association between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and venous thromboembolism (blood clots) confirmed the serious risk for some HRT users. But they found that when HRT, which is generally used by women to decrease menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, was given via transdermal patch rather than orally, the risk lowered considerably. Nevertheless, they found an “overwhelming preference” for HRT in pill form rather than transdermal patches. Published January 9, 2019. Via BMJ.

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