Tell Your Story/Guest Posts or Republish Articles from MedShadow

Tell Your Story
Tell Your Story

Do you have a personal story about side effects or alternatives?

Are you an expert on an alternative to drugs? 

Would you like to place a guest post or contribute an article to MedShadow?

Do you love one of our stories so much that you’d like to share it or republish it on your site? 

Great! We love to share. But we have a few guidelines. 

Your story on MedShadow

We would  love to receive your personal “First Person” story. Send us a brief outline of your story. These stories should be in the first person, using “I” and “me.” It should not be less than 650 words and can be as long as 2,000 (but we might cut). The facts should be medically correct and if you want to include links to medical studies you can. But this story is about you — your experience either using a medicine, avoiding or managing harm from that medicine, or the decision to avoid medicine by using alternate meds or lifestyle changes. We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can. You must not work for or represent or be paid by a pharmaceutical company or a medical device manufacturer. First time and developing writers are welcome, but we reserve the right to edit any article for publication on our site. (You’ll see and be able to approve significant edits.) Send your query to [email protected] 

Your submission of an article for consideration indicates your consent to exclusive publication by MedShadow and consent to the rules here.

Guests Posts / Article Contribution

Are you an expert? Is this about a broader topic? Perhaps you’re an acupuncturist and want to share your enthusiasm for the benefits of eastern medicine. Great. Please send a brief outline of your story idea and your credentials — what makes you an expert or the right person to write this story. We appreciate writing samples. We are happy to include a link to your website or business if appropriate, but make sure the focus of the article fits our mission.

We don’t accept sponsored posts, you can’t pay us to run your content. That said, we might well run if for free. All articles must tie into our mission, which is to protect lives and quality of life by reporting on the side effects of medications, avoiding or managing side effects and alternatives to medicines. Quotes from doctors and patients add interest and credibility. We emphasize evidence based medicine and for this type of story it’s best to link to research that supports your statements. We recognize that evidence is slim for many alternatives, so be upfront about what has been studied and what is tradition or clinical experience.

We don’t charge for guests posts, but we don’t accept all submissions. We run only articles that we can represent as part of MedShadow. The writer must not work for or represent or be paid by a pharmaceutical company or a medical device manufacturer. We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can. First time and developing writers are welcome, but we reserve the right to edit any article for publication on our site. (You’ll see and be able to approve significant edits.) Send your query to [email protected] 

Please remember that Medshadow does not accept support from pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers. All writers must also be free from conflicts with those companies. Your submission of an article for consideration indicates your consent to exclusive publication by MedShadow and consent to the rules here.

Full article reprints – permission needed

Please contact us if you’d like to reprint a long section or the full MedShadow article at [email protected].

Re-use by Author – please follow the policy

If you are the author and would like to reuse or repurpose your article, please abide by our Content Attribution Policy below—and do the following:
For the article in full:

  1. Wait two weeks following publication on MedShadow to re-post your article.
  2. Cite MedShadow as the original source.
  3. Link to the original article on
  4. Include a canonical tag to the article so MedShadow is noted as the original source: <link rel=”canonical” href=”URL OF BLOG POST”> (or use an appropriate plugin).

Please send your article in an email (not as an attachment) to: editor@MedShadow. If accepted for publication we reserve the right to edit (but we’ll share the edits with you for final OK if you want). We will then own all rights to that article, but if you want to re-post somewhere else you may; follow the guidelines above for Re-use By Author. 

Questions? Send them to [email protected].

DISCLAIMER: MedShadow provides information and resources related to medications, their effects, and potential side effects. However, it is important to note that we are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content on our site is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Individuals dealing with medical conditions or symptoms should seek guidance from a licensed healthcare professional, such as a physician or pharmacist, who can provide personalized medical advice tailored to their specific circumstances.

While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on MedShadow, we cannot guarantee its completeness or suitability for any particular individual's medical needs. Therefore, we strongly encourage users to consult with qualified healthcare professionals regarding any health-related concerns or decisions. By accessing and using MedShadow, you acknowledge and agree that the information provided on the site is not a substitute for professional medical advice and that you should always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
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